Topic-icon Non-fatal issues with SCLogin

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8 years 5 months ago #57843 by timwil
As I have moved on a bit further, I have encountered a few issues with the registration process when using SCLogin.

1. Does the Joomla Login Redirection URL setting (found on Login View Settings tab) work with users who have used their social media account? I couldn't get it to redirect but having now read the field tip, it seems to suggest that this setting is only for users who login using the Joomla login form. I am assuming this means the Joomla login form generated by SCLogin but why can't those logged in using a social media account have the same functionality?

2. This is slightly related to issue 1 as I was getting the system message "Error You are not authorised to view this resource." My idea was to have two menu items, one for logging in and one for logging out which would only display one option (at anyone time) based on whether the user was logged in or not. Login/Register menu item was set to guest but because there is no redirect after logging in (the user is effectively on the same page), the system message "Error You are not authorised to view this resource" was displayed.

3. I originally installed Community Builder and switched off Joomla registration but I found all new registrations were not showing up in Community Builder. Instead they would be listed under Users in the standard Joomla menu. I am wondering if this is because I have reCaptcha in the CB registration form (which is set to required) but if I remove that, I am going to overwelmed with spam accounts.
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Support Specialist
8 years 5 months ago #57848 by alzander
1) Yes, that login URL setting is only when user's use the standard Joomla username and password settings. We have a similar option for Login Redirection URL in the JFBConnect -> Configuration area for social authentications. Unfortunately, that setting doesn't work on a per-instance basis for each SCLogin module. We have an item on our to-do list to allow a custom login redirection for each social login button, but I don't know when that will be available.

2) I'm not sure what why what you're describing here isn't working. Setting the SCLogin module to display for guests should work.. setting it for Registered users only should work.. and you can use different settings in each. With the Login Redirection setting in the JFBConnect component, the SCLogin module for guests should redirect the user wherever you want.. and the logout redirection in the SCLogin module should work fine for any user regardless of how they authenticated.

If you're seeing the "You are not authorized" message, it means just that.. the user is somehow being redirected to a page they aren't allowed to view. That means the Login Redirection setting could be to a 'special' menu item *or* it could mean some other plugin or feature is detecting the login and redirecting the user somewhere wonky. The latter case would be unrelated to JFBConnect, but something that happens a bit.

3) Generally, if CB is storing social registrations, it means that there's a required field in CB set that JFBConnect isn't set to import into. If that's the case, then CB won't allow JFBConnect to save the user. For now, you'd want to disable any required fields in CB. In JFBConnect v7, due out late this month, we have a workaround that allows us to save users even if all required fields aren't saved. It shouldn't be a captcha setting as JFBConnect (normally) supports captcha and we haven't heard of that being an issue.. if you're using some 3rd party captcha solution though, try disabling it to see if user's are properly saved. If so, we can help figure out how to get that going.

I hope that helps!
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8 years 4 months ago - 8 years 4 months ago #57948 by timwil

alzander wrote: 1) Yes, that login URL setting is only when user's use the standard Joomla username and password settings. We have a similar option for Login Redirection URL in the JFBConnect -> Configuration area for social authentications. Unfortunately, that setting doesn't work on a per-instance basis for each SCLogin module. We have an item on our to-do list to allow a custom login redirection for each social login button, but I don't know when that will be available.

I tried changing the redirection (in JFBConnect -> Configuration area) for both new user + returning user and both worked perfectly I think. :=D

I set the Login menu link to "Guest" so it does not appear once logged in and added a "log out" menu link which is set to registered. Logically only one should appear at any one time and that is currently what I have.
Last edit: 8 years 4 months ago by timwil.
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Support Specialist
8 years 4 months ago #57969 by alzander
It sounds like the way you've got things setup is the right way to do what you're looking for.

If you run into anything else or need more assistance, as always, just let us know!

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