Topic-icon Custom HTML not just CSS?

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8 years 5 months ago - 8 years 5 months ago #57666 by timwil
I understand that we can use template overrides for custom CSS but is it possible to overwrite the HTML layout templates? I haven't attempted anything yet but assume the original files are within /modules/mod_sclogin/tmpl.

What I have at the moment is:

But what I am looking for is:

This desired layout was actually generated by a similar extension to JFBConnect but can't integrate with JomSocial or Community Builder.
Last edit: 8 years 5 months ago by timwil.
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Support Specialist
8 years 5 months ago #57668 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Custom HTML not just CSS?
There's quite a few different ways to create your own login/registration layout:
SCLogin Overrides
You can create your own custom SCLogin Themes . These are HTML and CSS overridable so that you create a module login area look however you want.

JFBConnect Provider Buttons
If you don't want to use the module, you can easily add the JFBConnect social buttons to any page you want. The easiest way is simply by adding the {JFBCLogin} tag, which will show the social login buttons you have configured. By default, the image used will be the one set in the configuration area of JFBConnect. With that tag, you can limit the providers that are shown and customize the image used as well with some extra parameters, giving a lot of flexibility.

You can go further though and create a completely custom page and add the login buttons with a little HTML & Javascript, which will allow you to add the login buttons as text, completely custom images, animations or however you want them to display. To do that, simple HTML like below should get you started:
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="jfbc.login.provider('facebook');">Login w/ Facebook</a>
You can change the 'facebook' to any other provider.

Bottom Line
Depending on how the user gets to your Login / Register page, there's a quite few ways to customize that page as little, or as much, as you want.

I hope that helps give you some ideas, but if there's something more you need, just let us know.

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8 years 5 months ago - 8 years 5 months ago #57672 by timwil
Replied by timwil on topic Custom HTML not just CSS?
Many thanks for the reply. Just before midnight yesterday I sent this down the line to our PHP/HTML/CSS developer to sort out and he's just delivered a perfect solution (see picture below).

One of the issues with building a website from scratch is that you know what don't like (in terms of UI and UX) but it's far more difficult coming up with something that both looks nice and actually works.

A competing product to JFBConnect did actually look rather good but turned out to be utter rubbish.
- It only worked with the standard Joomla regsitration (not CB or JomSocial)
- Couldn't connect to Google+ despite using exactly the same credentials that worked JFBConnect,
- If a user was not logged in to Facebook and tried to sign-in using Facebook, it threw up an error page rather than taking the user to the actual Facebook login page.
- Best of all, it comes with 3 template layouts (default, template_2 and template_3) but if you chose in the backend settings either template_2 or template_3 then whenever you logged out in the front end, the default style template would then be displayed. However if you then clicked the login menu link once more, the correct template reappeared again.

For future JFBConnect releases, I think social button ordering would be a good idea. If you know (or have a good idea) that Facebook is going to be the most popular login method then you should be able to make that social button appear first and be able to set this through the admin settings
Last edit: 8 years 5 months ago by timwil.
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Support Specialist
8 years 5 months ago #57674 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Custom HTML not just CSS?
That looks great :) On our (never-ending) to-do list is a nice login/register landing page. We're not designers though and like to focus on the more functional elements.. which is why it hasn't been done yet. We do try to provide all the tools to do amazing things though.

Regarding the other product, we know of it well from user reports here, but I've never used it before. I'm not sure if they have a refund policy, but if so, I'd take advantage of it. (I'd say that about any product you don't use, not just that one.. not trying to tarnish other devs).

For future JFBConnect releases, I think social button ordering would be a good idea. If you know (or have a good idea) that Facebook is going to be the most popular login method then you should be able to make that social button appear first and be able to set this through the admin settings

We have that ability in a few ways right now, but not on a global scale:
* In the SCLogin module, there's a "Providers" setting where you can add which social login buttons should appear. That allows you to limit, or order, them.
* The {JFBCLogin} tag also accepts a providers parameter, like {JFBCLogin providers=facebook,twitter,linkedin,googleplus}

We're always looking for feedback though on any rough edges we could improve on or new features you'd like to see. We'll be putting up a blog post about the next release, due in late April, over the next day or so.. and are very excited about the new features coming. We hope you will be too!

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8 years 5 months ago - 8 years 5 months ago #57684 by timwil
Replied by timwil on topic Custom HTML not just CSS?

alzander wrote: In the SCLogin module, there's a "Providers" setting where you can add which social login buttons should appear. That allows you to limit, or order, them.

Knew it was a good idea !!!!

I'll be able to offer a lot more feedback once I launch the next version of my website. At the moment, it's live but is just a simple directory (powered by JReviews). Once the cricket season starts here in the UK, I will hopefully be able to write some news and features then produce content on a regular basis.

Also I have viewed the presentation you gave at the Joomla World Conference which is a very interesting and has given me some ideas. When I first embarked on this project 3 months ago, I was looking at social login functionality as simply a way of making the website appear more sexy. However I am now thinking that I could get far more out of users who use social logins, especially Facebook through the Opengraph..
Last edit: 8 years 5 months ago by timwil.
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Support Specialist
8 years 5 months ago #57689 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Custom HTML not just CSS?
Awesome! I'm very glad to hear you're getting more done than you expected... we'd definitely love to hear your thoughts, good and bad. JFBConnect is meant to be simple to get setup (though it's still way more cumbersome than we'd like), but as you dig into the deeper stuff, it can get daunting... though very powerful. We're always looking to fix any rough edges though as it makes users happier and decreases support, both things that we love :)

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