Topic-icon Log out text not a text link?

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8 years 6 months ago - 8 years 6 months ago #57381 by timwil
In the back-end, I have selected Login View Settings as "Modal Pop-up" and Modal style as "text" which works fine when displaying the Login and Register links when not logged in. However unless I have seemingly missing a setting, the "log out" text is not actually a text link at all but a form submission. Also the Login and Register links were right aligned but the log out button switches be left aligned.

When I tried switching to buttons, the Login and Register buttons were also different styles to the Log out button.

On a completely unconnected matter I have an issue with the social login images. On the registration page they appear in one order with Google+ being the left most but in login modal pop-up they are the other way around with Google+ being on the right.

Last edit: 8 years 6 months ago by timwil.
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Support Specialist
8 years 6 months ago #57400 by mel
Replied by mel on topic Log out text not a text link?
There is a separate option in the Logout View Settings tab for the 'Show Logout' setting to display as a button, a link, or not at all.

Regarding the order of the buttons, do you have the SCLogin > Social Button Settings > Providers option set to anything? If so, please try and clear it and see if that resolves the issue. However, if it's already cleared, then I would expect that the issue would be caused by styling instead and can be fixed with styling or setting that providers option in the specific order you'd like to see.

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8 years 6 months ago #57404 by timwil

mel wrote: There is a separate option in the Logout View Settings tab for the 'Show Logout' setting to display as a button, a link, or not at all.

But the "link" as you state above is not a link, it is a form submission. Anyhow I have decided to have a drop down menu instead (similar to this website) with the "log out" being menu item.

One good thing, I worked out the problem with the social login buttons. I tried changing the alignment (under the Social Buttons tab) from right to left and it reversed the order of these buttons.
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