Topic-icon Joomla Login Redirection URL always to profile with update to J 3.4.8

Support Specialist
Ahhh.. if Ajax Register is performing the redirect, then that's where the issue is. I'm not sure what you mean by "because in SCLogin I don't have the chance to redirect to a specific page. ". If you need a specific URL, you can create a menu item with a link to that URL and have SCLogin use it. If you want to use another extension for the redirect though, you'll need to ask them why the redirection isn't performing correctly. It likely needs an update for the changes in Joomla 3.4.8, just like SCLogin did.

I hope that helps,
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Hi Alex
I wrote to Ajax Register (I had to buy the component again for to access to forum) and the answer was: "It's totally up to the login module, nothing to do with AJAX Register.
AJAX Register just regulates the registration URL after the registration, NOT after the each login."
Really I don't understand because I think the registration is also the login, but maybe I'm wrong.
In the SCLogin module I don't have a field for to redirect after the login and if that is so, I do not know where it can be done.
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I can see that this forum has many thread discussing the same issue. Rather than starting another thread, I have read all the previous threads but no solution has worked for me.

The login / logout redirection simply stopped working on the latest Joomla update: 3.4.8
I am using 6.5.3 JFBConnect and 4.5.3 SCLogin

I am also running the third party SEF extension Artio SEF - asking this extension to not apply SEF to JFBConnect doesn't fix anything which does lead me to believe Artio isn't the issue.

Any help would be really appreciated as this is preventing me lauching my new website.

Thanks so much!
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Support Specialist

In the SCLogin module I don't have a field for to redirect after the login and if that is so, I do not know where it can be done.

In the SCLogin module, there is a setting for "Joomla Login Redirection URL" in the Login View Settings area that is what you need to set.

There is a difference between Registration (how a user creates an account) and Login (how they login to your site after the account is created). For Login, the SCLogin module will try to set the destination URL that the user should go to after they login. However, Joomla takes care of the actual login process and uses the URL we provide. In Joomla 3.4.8, the URL format changed a little bit and the URL we created didn't work with the update. Because the URL format we created didn't work, the user was directed to Joomla's default login page, the profile page.

Please let me know how you have the Login Redirection URL setup in SCLogin and try a few different combinations, including "Same Page" to see if any of those go to a different page other than the profile page. That will help us understand the issue further.


I am also running the third party SEF extension Artio SEF - asking this extension to not apply SEF to JFBConnect doesn't fix anything which does lead me to believe Artio isn't the issue.

The SCLogin module is it's own module. Disabling JFBConnect won't affect the URLs for SCLogin. Either way, that's not the solution though, so I wouldn't focus on that.

Can you try creating an instance of the standard Joomla Login (mod_login) module and test Joomla logins using that? That will help narrow down where the cause lies.

In general, our 4.5.3 release of SCLogin had fixes for this issue in it. We hadn't heard of problems until this thread and that release has been out for 3 months now. We'll need to understand more about what's going wrong on your sites to determine how to fix the problem.

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Hi there
Finally the solution was very easy.
The menu item selected in the module configuration, which redirect the user after login, was a system menu item, type "insert url".

This works good before I did took charge of site administration and before I updated joomla.

The "original" menu item which was supposed to go to k2 article, was in another menu.

Now, testing and testing, I made some tests in the menu item in module configuration, so I select the "original" menu item K2 and with this, it worked.

I think something changed in updating and no longer allows routed to menu items that are not a direct item menu. The strange thing was that instead of telling me "this url is incorrect," or something like this, led me to the profile page.
For this was all my confusion.

Nothing with Ajax.

Thanks, thanks very much for all. I hope this also help to someone .
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Support Specialist
I'm very glad to hear you got things going. It's really appreciated that you posted back what worked for you so that it may hopefully help others.

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