Topic-icon Login Redirection

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8 years 9 months ago #56126 by eSilverStrike
I am using the latest version of Joomla, JReviews (and the User Profiles Add-on), JFBConnect and the SCLogin module.

Login Redirection for the SCLogin does not seem to work. It is set for the same page but it always takes the user to the Joomla Profile page. Is there a fix for this?

JFBConnect Login redirection works fine and returns the user to the same page. I really like the new user redirection of JFBConnect. Can you add this feature to the SCLogin module? Or better yet can you add in JReviews User Profiles to the Registration Component List of the SCLogin module? This new JReviews add-on has it's own login page which will redirect me to what I want and will keep the rest of my site consistent.


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Support Specialist
8 years 9 months ago #56128 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Login Redirection
Please make sure you're using the newest release of JFBConnect v6.5.2 and SCLogin 4.5.3. They should be auto-updatable in the Joomla Installation Manager. That should fix the bug with the redirect to user profile. That issue was introduced with the Joomla 3.4.6 update that was recently released.

I really like the new user redirection of JFBConnect. Can you add this feature to the SCLogin module?

Unfortunately, we can't add it for users registering with standard Joomla accounts. Users registering that way go through the standard Joomla user component and we can't alter where they go after they register that way.

Or better yet can you add in JReviews User Profiles to the Registration Component List of the SCLogin module? This new JReviews add-on has it's own login page which will redirect me to what I want and will keep the rest of my site consistent.

We have a 'Custom' option for "Registration Component". If you use that, you can set any menu item you want for the user to be redirected to when they click the Register button.

I hope that helps get you going,
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8 years 9 months ago #56133 by eSilverStrike
Replied by eSilverStrike on topic Login Redirection
Thanks. For some reason I missed the notification about the update in Joomla.

The Custom registration link works as well.

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Support Specialist
8 years 9 months ago #56150 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Login Redirection
Fantastic! I'm glad to hear that got things going for you. The update notification, I think, only updates every 24 hours or so, so it's possible you were just in the blackout window from the last check. Doesn't matter now though :)

Should you need anything else, just let us know. Finally, if you haven't already, please consider leaving a rating and review for JFBConnect, or our support, on the Joomla Extension Directory. It's certainly not required, but very appreciated:

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