Topic-icon Weird issue with my sclogin 'Register' button going to a diff page?

Active Subscriptions:

I have installed SCLogin and just purchased JFBConnect. Add to this I'm integrating EasyProfile and OS MembershipPro for your information. Running latest Joomla version 3.4.6.

When I select the 'Register' link it is going to an osmembership page (See for yourself here) but I've checked that components settings and can't see anything over riding to this. Any help with this would be much appreciated.

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Support Specialist
I see the same issue if I click the ISKH Account -> Register link in the left-hand menu. It seems that OSMembership is redirecting from somewhere. I'd check your system plugins as well. Either way, this doesn't look to be a SCLogin specific issue, so there's not much we can do to help. If you really think SCLogin is the cause though, just let us know why and we'll gladly help investigate further.

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