Topic-icon SCLogin not working on all pages - #login-modal

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8 years 9 months ago #55832 by lucy
the module works fine one some pages on other, when I try to log in, "#login-modal" will be added to the URL but nothing else happens. With JQuery option enabled SCLogin is not working at all. The console show the following error:
ReferenceError: jfbcJQuery is not defined

I'm running on Joomla 3.4.5 with SCLogin 4.4.2.

Could you please help me solving the issue? Thanks in advance! Lucy
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Support Specialist
8 years 9 months ago #55838 by alzander
There's quite a few possible causes for that error:
* page caching,
* 'optimization' extensions that are being too agressive in combining javascript files
* not having the 'Include jQuery / Bootstrap' setting enabled in the SCLogin module
and various other things

I'd try altering any of the settings above on your site to see if that helps. If not, let us know the URL where we can see the issue and we'll gladly help investigate further.

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8 years 9 months ago #55870 by lucy
Hi Alex, thanks for taking time to follow my issue.
I tried to delete cache and enable "Load JQuery", without success (enabling JQuery, SCLogin doesn't work at all).

'optimization' extensions that are being too agressive in combining javascript files

Sorry I have no idea how to check it.
Could you please give me some hint? Thanks again.
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Support Specialist
8 years 9 months ago #55885 by mel
For optimization, do you have JCH Optimize extension enabled? Also, some templates have optimization or caching settings as well.

If not, please provide a specific URL where we can see the behavior in action/look at the source code and we'll help investigate.
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8 years 9 months ago #55935 by lucy
Hi Mel,
thanks I sent a PM with the information.

Best regards, Lucy
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