Topic-icon intermittent login problem

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8 years 10 months ago #55577 by minbori
I've got a stubborn but intermittent problem that I've been troubleshooting since my last updates of SCLogin and Community Builder.

Most of the time (I'd say roughly 90% based on anecdotal user information and my own experience), SCLogin works fine, and exactly the way it's supposed to. No problems.

But the other 10% of the time, when a user logs in (or logs in then clicks to view protected content), the page loads with this Community Builder error in the content pane:
Error: CB Login module not created (required).

It appears to be somehow redirecting to the CB Login page (shown by the breadcrumb at "You are here"), though the URL bar shows the home page which is throwing an error. But the SCLogin module shows the "logged in" message (screenshot attached).

I've combed through both Community Builder and SCLogin forums and tried various things:
1. I've made sure the SCLogin module "Registration Component" is set to "Community Builder"
2. There is a Community Builder login module published in the system, and it is configured to appear on all Community Builder pages and at the bottom of every site page.
3. The site has no caching enabled anywhere.

The last thing I saw that might be relevant was this post:

but I'm not sure if making those changes in the CB System plugin are applicable to my situation, since the login works the majority of the time.

Any suggestions as to what else I can look at, log, etc. to try to figure this out would be greatly appreciated.

Site details:
SCLogin version: 4.4.2
Joomla version: 2.5.28 (yes I know, the project to migrate to 3.4 is underway now :rolleyes: )
Community Builder version: 2.0.12
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Support Specialist
8 years 10 months ago #55595 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic intermittent login problem
I'm not sure what's going on there and it's not an issue we've heard of. I notice you can access your site through both http and https. Can you test to see if the issue happens when using one of those types of URLs in particular?

Beyond that, I'm really not sure. The SCLogin module looks to be doing what it's supposed to do.. it's logging you in. When you set the "Registration Component" to CB, the SCLogin module actually hands the user credentials off to CB to perform the actual authentication process. So, once you hit submit, CB does everything from there and SCLogin doesn't have any more involvement.

One other thing I guess you can try is to use the standard CB Login module to see if the same error occurs? That would absolutely narrow it down to something in CB, which it sounds like is the cause either way.

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8 years 10 months ago #55598 by minbori
Replied by minbori on topic intermittent login problem
Hi Alex, thanks for your response. I've done some more testing, and narrowed things down a bit. There seem to be two problems, one of which I've solved, the other not.

First of all, the "Error creating CB Login module" was a problem with the ACL settings on the CB Login module. That's been solved.

But there is still the problem of the SC Login module displaying the "logged in" menu when the Joomla session has already apparently expired.

So after fixing the CB Login module error, now the behavior to reproduce this problem is this:

1. User goes to site, and uses SC Login to log in successfully.
2. User doesn't use site for a while, and the Joomla session (set at 90 minutes) expires.
3. User returns to browser and clicks a link to "restricted" content.
4. Login form appears in the main content area, but SC Login still displays "Hi username" and user menu, not the "Login/Register" dialogue.

I get the same behavior whether login is done on a page accessed over http or https (SCLogin module is set to always send encrypted login info), and another extension redirects all pages to https after a successful login. That's all working fine.

The section "User Menu" at the bottom of the page (see screenshot) is a module that is displayed when the user is logged in. When the user is not logged in, there should be a CB Login module. So it seems that the modules are loading as if the user is logged in, but the Joomla content area is loading as if the user is NOT logged in.

I know this isn't inherently an SC Login problem, but would be grateful if you could provide other insights like the http/https issue.

Thanks again, I've always loved your plugin and your support!
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Support Specialist
8 years 10 months ago #55606 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic intermittent login problem
There must be some caching, somewhere. The SCLogin module doesn't remember who was logged in after the session has expired on it's own. I really don't have any suggestions as to what's going wrong here as it could be just about anything, but there's not a magic bullet answer.

All I can suggest is making sure that there is no caching or optimization type stuff going on. You also may want to test with the standard Joomla (or CB) login modules to see if they have the same issue. As you noted, I don't think the SCLogin module is related to the issue, it's just involved in the same problem. Unfortunately, I don't know what the underlying issue with the site is.

I hope the above suggestion to narrow things down helps get you started. If you find out anything else, definitely let us know. I'd gladly help provide more suggestions, but would need more clues as to what's different about your site.

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