Topic-icon Problem with CSS display and modal + Plugin incompatibility

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I just setup SCLogin with JFB Connect.
I face 2 problems with SC Login
1. Problem with CSS, either with default or sourceoast theme the login box doesn't render properly
It not display well
I have a large modal with no style as you can see in screenshot
Any idea where I should look to have modal login box, display like in your demo.

2. The module seems to be incompatible with content-hover jquery plugin
once I click on login to make the login box open, it just shows the overlay of the page (black) and nothing display, I have to refresh to be able to see the page again.
As I use this plugin only on certain pages, I'm quite sure it come from an incompatibility. If you can help about the modifications needed to make them compatible.

Thx by advance,
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Support Specialist
1) I'm not sure why the styles aren't being applied. My best suggestion would be to look at the HTML of the page and ensure that the /media/sourcecoast/themes/sclogin/default.css (or sourcecoast.css) files are being included in the page. If not, check if you have any optimization plugins or template settings that may be removing our theme file.

2) Please enable the 'Include jQuery / Bootstrap' setting *in JFBConnect*. That will include a version of jQuery & Bootstrap that should prevent conflicts with other instances of those libraries.

Hopefully that gets you going, but if you have any other questions or issues, just let us know.

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thank you for your answer.
Now the css problem is solved.

About the incompatibility, the problem seems that I display 2 times the sclogin on the same page, so it may create some conflicts.
Anyway to be able to display several times the module?

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Support Specialist
The SCLogin module shouldn't have any issues with multiple instances displaying on a page. We've seen and tested many sites that use it that way. However, if you have multiple other jQuery add-ons on the page, they could be disliking something we're doing that I'm unaware of.

If you can let us see a URL where the problem is happening, we can gladly investigate further. Also, are you seeing the issue with the "Include jQuery / Bootstrap" setting enabled or disabled? Enabled is the best option to minimize issues.

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