Topic-icon Logout redirects to blankpage

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9 years 1 week ago #54800 by norfolkandway
I have Jomsocial 4.0.9
SCLogin 4.4.2
Joomla 3.4.4
I can login & logout with social network or uname/password
Login works as does logout but re-direct upon logout is the issue
Login re-direct works and directs to same page - Joomla Login Redirection URL = same page
SClogin Module is set to re-direct upon logout to a Guest article 'About'

When user logsout they are directed to a white page with a '1' in the top left
The url of this page is the sites homepage

Any ideas on what I can do to make re-direct work correctly please

OK just after writing this I found what was causing the problem!! - I had a plugin 'System - Jomsocial Redirect' enabled
disabled the plugin and now logout redirect works
Thought I would keep post in case it helps others.
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Support Specialist
9 years 6 days ago #54810 by alzander
Fantastic! I'm glad to hear you found the issue and posted it here. We've heard of many different issues with that plugin, both related and unrelated to JFBConnect. In general, we recommend avoiding it as it can break the normal authentication flow by redirecting too soon before other plugins do what they are supposed to do.

As always, if you run into anything else or need further help, just let us know.

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