Topic-icon sclogin using joomla login not working in specific module position

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I have a topbar menu with the login module as a drop down. (special module position for my template)

When I use the regular joomla login module in this position it is fine.

When I use sclogin with social login, it is fine, but regular username and password login gives invalid token.

Wondering if you have any suggestions? If you want to have a look on the site as admin, you can pm me, as I don't see a way to share login info in the forum post.

In the meatime I have had to go back to using the Joomla login module.
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Support Specialist
In the SCLogin > Advanced tab, please try setting the Caching option to disabled and see if this helps. Usually this helps resolve the issue, but if it does not, you can send a private message with credentials by clicking on the envelope icon under my avatar.

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Yes, I had already disabled cache for the module after reading other posts.
I seem to be having the same problem even using the regular joomla login module now in that module position. (and it was working yesterday)
I have asked the template developer to take a look first. Will let you know what happens or if I still need help.
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Support Specialist
Sorry to hear that you're still having problems. In general, I would think the issue would be related to your session on the page or caching. In addition to your template, you may also want to check your Joomla Global Configuration settings or any caching plugins you may have enabled. Good luck.

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