Topic-icon Connect this site to your Social network? Login With Google Login Wit

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Another question.. all was fine, then all of a sudden, when you login via a social profile, or even with a user/pass combo - the module displays the following outside of the usermenu -

Connect this site to your Social network?
(displayed here are the iicons for Google+ and WIndows Live - the two auto login social networks I setup)

I read a post about this from aug 2014 saying to modify the login.php file, but that code has since been updated in this release. Any other ideas why this displays when a user is logged in?
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Support Specialist
There is an option in the SCLogin module for connecting social network accounts when logged in. Try disabling the SCLogin > Logout View Parameters > Show Connect Account Button(s) setting and let me know if you still have problems after this.

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