Topic-icon Login redirection

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9 years 3 months ago #53416 by [email protected]
Hello again, I have made guest menus and am trying to get guest menu items to redirect to the main item after login. so i put sc login module into a k2 item and the menu links to that. When i go to login in on the menu item I am not being redirected to the item i want but instead my main page.

I have reordered the plugin for JFBConnect Social... to fire first and am still not getting the redirect to the page I declare inside of 'log in view settings'. i also checked the regular settings for jfb and it seems there is an option of where to redirect user but I don't see any option that allows me to define where they redirect based on the individual modules.

Is there something I have forgotten to do? As usual I wonder if it could be some covert caching... i realy though reordering the plugin would do it, but perhaps there is something i am missing.
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9 years 3 months ago #53420 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Login redirection
I don't think the plugin ordering should have anything to do with the redirection the user should go to. The only time that should matter is if you have plugins that are meant to just redirect the user on a successful login, which would override any settings we have in our module.

i also checked the regular settings for jfb and it seems there is an option of where to redirect user but I don't see any option that allows me to define where they redirect based on the individual modules.

The setting in JFBConnect is used whenever a user logs in using a social network. The settings for redirection in the SCLogin module are where the user is redirected if they use their Joomla credentials in the module. I understand that may be a little confusing, but hopefully that explains how it should work.

I have made guest menus and am trying to get guest menu items to redirect to the main item after login. so i put sc login module into a k2 item and the menu links to that. When i go to login in on the menu item I am not being redirected to the item i want but instead my main page.

Honestly, I'm a bit confused how you have things configured here. Can you take pictures or describe in detail the things you've configured and the settings you've enabled? That will help us narrow things down a bit further.

In general, I'd recommend the following things to diagnose where the issue may lie:
* Disable any caching features or extensions you have enabled. Clear your caches in your browser after you do so.
* Disable any SEF features or extensions you have enabled. This can help you see the 'raw' URL that redirections are going to as well as preventing any advanced features of some extensions that will try to redirect 'smartly', but usually pretty dumbly.

Let me know if any of the above helps, and if not, describe things more and we'll gladly start testing.

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9 years 3 months ago #53424 by [email protected]
I have 2 menus one for users logged in the other not.

Each menu has a couple of the same options, with the same name but the un logged in menu directs to a login module rather than the full page. I want to direct the log ins from that page to the correct menu item the user thought they were clicking....

so for instance inawn link takes you to sc login module if the user isn't logged in but the jomsocial page if they are.

this might be more trouble than its worth because i could just as easily delete the menu items and make the user click an extra 1 time after they log in to get to the page they want. My thinking was also because i have the domains with the same title as the menu items and i am redirecting from those (shorter URLs) since if a user does that they will bypass my menu entirely to access the page they are seeking I realized that this was going to make the user go to a different logiin form. Again not a huge deal and not too noticeable because of the direct access but itd be best if those users were directed to the login form of my choice. Hence why i created a login module for each page to separately redirect to the proper page.

So for instance if a user goes to they will be taken to my link to my inawn page... (currently its down) but that was my point.

Currently i have made tghe not logged in page with a . in the title so i can differentiate them for my redirect, but otherwise the two menus use the same title with a different alias.

I have set the name in the module to reflect where I want the user directed but it does not seem to do this and always seems to take me back to the main page.

File Attachment:

I tried disabling sh404 but i didn't notice any change.

again if you see my site. pen.awn and in.awn are unlogged in menu items. they should redirect after login to inawn and penawn

i have jch off. all caching off that i know about. I do not see how it would be easyblog or jomsocial doing this. that leave jfb (which im using) or perhaps some function within joomla core that i'm neglecting. i will keep at it and let you know if i figure it out, but right now im not seeing it. I don't want to spend too much time on it and may just get rid of the unlogged in menu items to sclogin pages and once i figure it out just redirect the links to the sclogin page with redirects.
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9 years 3 months ago #53437 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Login redirection

I want to direct the log ins from that page to the correct menu item the user thought they were clicking....

I don't know of any way we could automate this. Since there are separate items for not-logged in and logged-in, there's not really a way for the SCLogin module (or JFBConnect) to automatically connect the dots from where the user *is* to where they *wanted to go*.

I have set the name in the module to reflect where I want the user directed but it does not seem to do this and always seems to take me back to the main page.

I just tried going to and I was redirected to:

On that page, there is a hidden variable in the SCLogin form that has a 'return' value set. That is configured to send the user to:
From what you describe, that sounds correct. If you aren't seeing the proper login redirection happening there, then I'd recommend:
* Disabling sh404SEF and any other SEF URL options you have enabled
* Check your system and user plugin groups for any extensions that may be trying to redirect the user on authentication. It's possible some other extension is interfering
* Try configuring a standard Joomla mod_login module with the same redirection options and show it instead (or along with) the SCLogin module. Then, see if the redirection works properly with that module. If not, it means that it's not specifically an SCLogin/JFBConnect problem, it's something else.. we'll gladly still help, but there's only so much we'd be able to do.

I hope that helps!
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9 years 3 months ago #53445 by [email protected]
OK currently I am trying to think of what other SEF extensions may be at work here. I already tried disabling SH404 and all of the core joomla seo/sef functions are off.

I tried the joomla login module and also failed to obtain a proper redirect. So it does seem that the problem is not jfb.

So it seems that having disabled the menu items, the shurl redirects are taking me to the one sized fits all login page. I can overwrite that so that they take me to an accessible login form which im currently trying to link on the main menu of the unlogged in page to appropriately redirect towards my intended page. But yes we have this redirect problem.

I will troubleshoot the plugins later, but let me know if anything comes to mind. Thanks
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Support Specialist
9 years 3 months ago #53446 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic Login redirection
As noted, the login module had a redirect value set to:
<input type="hidden" name="return" value="aHR0cHM6Ly9hY2NvcmR3aXRobmF0dXJlLmNvbS9pbmF3bi8="/>
That decodes to:
/inawn/ (with your https:// your domain in front)

So, the shurl and the login form seem to show things correctly. There seems to be something else that's redirecting the user back to the home page instead of allowing the normal redirect to work.

I hope that helps narrow things down further. As you noted though, there's not much I can think of on our end that we could do.

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