Topic-icon SC Login and Internet Explorer

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9 years 5 months ago #52468 by mgisys
I have come across a strange problem. In Chrome, FireFox or Safari there is no issue. However, when trying to use Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 11 with Windows 7 you can't login. You only see the "username" placeholder and not the "password" placeholder. When you go to type the password it shows the characters when it should be hidden.

Once you hit the submit button it redirects you to the default Joomla login page and you get a "Empty Password" field error. You then try to login using the default Joomla form on the page and you get an Invalid Token error.

The only strange thing I could find was in the source code when viewing in Internet Explorer.

This first line is for the username:
Line 1: <input name="username" tabindex="0" id="sclogin-username" alt="username" type="text" class="input-small" placeholder="Username">

This second line is for the password:
Line 2: <input tabindex=“0” class”input-small placeholder” id=“sclogin-passwd” type=“text” alt=“password” placeholder=“Password” value=“”/>

They are different. However, there is a third line right under the above password line that is grayed out. It is very similar to the username commands.
Line 3:<input name="password" tabindex="0" id="sclogin-passwd" alt="password" type="password" class="input-small" placeholder="Password">

When I look at the same line items with Chrome or FF Line 2 above doesn't show and it's just Line 1 and 3.

Any ideas?
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Support Specialist
9 years 5 months ago #52474 by alzander
I'm not sure what would be causing that. We test (and have many users who use) IE, and this isn't something we've heard of.

Can you tell me if you're using IE's Developer Tools or if you're using the View Source command? Please try the View Source if you're not and check the output. The Developer Tools will show you the HTML *after* any Javascript has altered the page.

If that doesn't help narrow things down, can you let us know a URL where we can test and we'll gladly help investigate further.

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