Topic-icon Logout redirection url when SSL enabled

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9 years 5 months ago #52403 by juan654
Hi Support,

I'm using your amazing extension SCLogin with SSL enabled in my website. I've enabled the SSL on certain pages (as the login form for example). Everything is working fine except with the "Logout redirection url" parameter. I have defined my "Home" page as the redirection url (which it doesn't have the SSL enabled), but for any reason, when a user click on the logout button it takes him to the SSL version of the homepage.

Is there any way for fixing that? I mean, if the Home page is not SSL enabled, the Logout button should take the user to the http://my_website instead of https://my_Website (what is happening now).

Thanks in advance,

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Support Specialist
9 years 5 months ago #52412 by alzander
The SCLogin module will generate the logout link based on whatever scheme the current page is in. That's standard practice for Joomla as it will make relative links to URLs, which mean the scheme (http or https) and domain are unchanged from whatever page is currently being used.

My guess is that if you navigate to a non-https page and logout from there, you'll be redirected to the non-secure home page.

With that said, why do you really want to deny SSL on the home page? In general, more security is better and can make your visitors feel more comfortable. Just a suggestion, but we'd recommend not trying to force non-SSL. If users want to load a page over SSL (or are inadvertently redirected to it), let them use it that way.

I hope that helps,
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