Topic-icon SClogin not redirecting to Jomsocial User Profile page upon login

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9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 6 months ago #52088 by studiocardo
I set the Login Redirection URL is set to "My Profile" under Jomsocial Menu in SCLogin's Login View Setting. However, after the user login, it direct the user to the home page, not the profile page as specified. Any suggestion how to resolve this issue?

I am using the most recent SCLogin w/ Jomsocial

Thank you for your help.

Last edit: 9 years 6 months ago by studiocardo.
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Support Specialist
Please note that there are multiple settings for redirection on login. The option in the SCLogin module is for when the user logs in with Joomla credentials. If the user logs in via social network credentials, those settings are in the JFBConnect component under General configuration with 'New User Redirection URL' and 'Returning User Redirection URL'. Try setting these appropriately and let me know if you continue to have issues.

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Hi Melissa

It's for user login w/ Joomla credential. However, just in case, I have set login/logout and return user redirection in JFBConnect to "My Profile" under Jomsocial, and it still doesn't work.

Where should I look next?

Thank you for your help.

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Support Specialist
1. JomSocial also has its own plugin 'System - Jomsocial Redirect' which might be trying to override these values. You can either disable this plugin since you're using SCLogin, or set the values appropriately for Login, Login Failed, and Logout in that plugin and re-try.

2. If #1 does not work, then I would suggest looking into any SEF extensions or caching that you have enabled on your site. These two areas would be the next common causes of behavior you're seeing.

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Hi Melissa

Yes, you are right again! The System - Jomsocial Redirect is overriding SCLogin.

Thank you for your help!!

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Support Specialist
Great, glad that solved the issue.

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