Topic-icon first time login should use community builers registration

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when someone clicks on login with facebook for the first time and arent a member of the site i would like them to be redirected to the community builder registration page. is there a setting to set this?
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Support Specialist
No, we don't currently support using the CB registration flow for new users. You can use our automatic registration flow to have them automatically registered, the Joomla registration flow or JFBConnect's registration page which can show fields from CB to be filled out by the user.

We do support going through the registration flow of JomSocial and EasySocial. We would like to add a similar option for CB at some point in the future, but CB's code is extremely difficult to integrate with. I'm not sure we'd ever be able to do what you're looking for and, until then, the only options we have are the ones mentioned above.

I hope that helps explain,
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Thanks for your response, wasnt the answer i was hoping for, but i will adapt.

how do i go about using some fields from community builder with jfb registration?
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Support Specialist
9 years 6 months ago #52016 by mel
First, you will need to enable the 'Social Profiles - Community Builder plugin'. Then go into the backend JFBConnect > Profiles > Community Builder tab and enable the profile/avatar import. On this page, you will also set up the profile data that you want to get from your social networks to be mapped to the appropriate Community Builder fields. Depending on whether you're using Automatic Registration or not, you can set up additional options on whether these fields will be displayed/editable for the users when signing up.

For more detailed steps, please see our configuration guide:

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