Topic-icon SCLogin - modal appears bottom left behind overlay and unaccessible

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I have enabled the SCLogin module and when I select "Login" the screen goes to a 30%+- overlay. If I scroll all the way to the bottom, I can see about 75% of the right half of the modal at the far left bottom of the screen behind the transparent overlay. I have read through each of the related topic in the forum and it doesn't appear that any apply to my situation.

File Attachment:

File Attachment:

The closest I found was this post:, but don't know where to apply the recommended "fix".

Also reviewed:

I have JFBConnect installed as well. Read in some of the topics that this can have an effect. I have toggled jquery and bootstrap settings in both SCLogin and JFBC component.
I have moved SCLogin module around to different layout placements around the page, all same result.
I am using the JSN Mini template with PageBuilder
Joomla! 3.3.6 Stable [ Ember ] w/PHP 5.3.29

Not sure if it is related, but when I run autotune, I get the following:
JFBConnect Remote Error Check
Checks performed on: 
(Redirected from
Warning: Issues were found with your site. Please check all tests below and correct any warnings or errors.

Test: JFBCSystem plugin is enabled
Fail: Not Detected! Please enable in the Site Config area of Autotune or in the Joomla plugin manager. 

If the JFBCSystem plugin is enabled, but you still get this error, please check:
Your site is not in Offline Mode. If so, turn your site Online and re-run the Error Checker.
If you have a 'mobile template', disable it and re-test
Some templates have their own Facebook integration, and actively try to remove other Facebook extensions files. Try a different template.

No further tests can be run until fixed.

The "JFBCSystem" plugin is enabled, site is Online, no mobile template, but the template is set to 'responsive', changing my entire website (template) to accommodate SCLogin is not an option.

I assume this is a CSS issue of some sort as the modal actually activates, only in the wrong place and behind an overlay.
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Support Specialist
From your descriptions and screenshots, it does seem like it is just a CSS issue, especially since it does look like the modal is popping up. I can look into it more, but can you provide a URL so that I can see the SCLogin module on your page? I can't find it right now. If you have disabled it, please turn it on at least one page so that I can see it in action and play around with the CSS.

As far as the Autotune error, it's because the page being tested is and when I look at the source it just looks to be a bare-bones landing page. On I manually ran all the checks that the Autotune Error Checker would perform and there were no issues. If you run into any functional problems, please let me know. Otherwise, it's safe to ignore this error.

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