Topic-icon single sign on with 3rd party

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9 years 7 months ago #50639 by mobilechipmunk
besides major social network sites, is it possible to set up single sign on with jfbconnect and sclogin to send session token to a sso login api?
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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #50646 by alzander
We don't currently have that functionality. Each social network behaves differently and has different token value types and formats. We don't try to normalize them in any way that could be provided to even another SSO login api. In general, we are the SSO api so supporting something else to do what we already do isn't a priority.

If you can explain more about what other systems you're trying to integrate with, and why, we may be able to help further though.

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9 years 7 months ago #50792 by mobilechipmunk

I'm trying to send session key for single sign on for 3 diffferent api. one of them is attached in the pdf. so once someone logins into easysocial/joomla it sends session token to the 3 other api and logs into their systems.
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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #50821 by alzander
That's not something that JFBConnect implements natively. If you want to send that information off, you'd need to develop that code on your own. I don't fully understand what the API you linked to does, but that's besides the point.

My guess is that you could create a socialprofile plugin (or even a standard User plugin), to trigger some behavior in the onLogin functions. In there, you can get the session data from the database and push it wherever you want.

Unfortunately, there's not much we could do to help other than point you in the right direction for files to edit. If you have a developer, we'll gladly answer any questions they (or you) may have.

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