Topic-icon Open Graph Actions & Easysocial

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9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 6 months ago #49256 by Sunnyside
Hi Alex,

I'm on the verge of completing my site, and next week onwards will be starting work on the social integration/registrations & logins.

I understand the JFB connects social registrations and logins part, a few final questions before i subscribe:

1) Can i have easysocial custom fields get filled mandatorily for the visitors using the facebook/google/twitter/linkedin registration process.
I ask this because easysocial also has social login and registration, but it does not allow custom fields in profile type to be included during the facebook registration process. easysocial thread on this issue

2) My earlier thread , in this thread i was looking into auto social posting by users and you had mentioned "We're planning an auto-post feature for later this year to do what you're looking for. " is this implemented, is open graph actions this feature?

I was reading Open Graph actions, i partially understood it, so am looking for reconfirmation of my understanding.
With open graph actions, if a user registers via facebook or links his account to his facebook account, all his actions on my site will be posted on his facebook feed/stream. (Jreviews ratings & comments, Komento comments on articles, Easysocial actions like status, group creation, event posts etc..)

With open graph actions the propogation of user activities to facebook will be treated as that users own sharing and not my sites overt promotion
I ask this because for example if i have 1000 different users actions being shared on users facebook page every day, will facebook ban my sites account?

And lastly do you see the new changes in 2014 facebook policies have any affect on jfb connect features.

Last edit: 9 years 6 months ago by Sunnyside.
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Support Specialist
9 years 6 months ago #49289 by alzander
1) Yes, you can import data from Facebook into custom EasySocial fields of text, textfield, website, date, and a few others. Things like radio and select buttons cannot be imported into because those fields usually don't have the same options that they would in the user's social network profile. Data can be automatically imported with or without letting the user edit the data before it's saved, giving you lots of flexibility over your registration process.

2) To post to your own Facebook Pages & Groups, Twitter Streams and LinkedIn Company Pages, you'd want to look into our "Channels" feature. That's meant for posting content to sites that you (the admin) control. We still don't have the auto-posting ability implemented, and it's not going to be available until a release next year.

Open Graph Actions can be used to automatically post activity to a user's own Timeline/feed. Right now, of the extensions you list, we only have support for pushing actions automatically from EasySocial. You can create buttons that a user could click and add a comment for things like "I just reviewed" (jReviews) or "I just responded to this topic" (Kunena), but we don't have specific integration for those extensions and Open Graph Actions yet.

In general, Facebook won't frown on Open Graph Actions at all. They're whole purpose is to share activity back to a user's Activity Log. How it shows in a user's Timeline is very random as it depends on a ton of different factors.. eg: is the viewer also on the site, have they ever done the same action, was the action intentionally posted (like using the button I mentioned above) which has a much, much higher weight to it, etc. Additionally, users can easily stop the posting of actions in various different ways or delete posts that were made.

As for changes in 2014 (and 15), JFBConnect fully updates all the new Graph API updates and we've been updating JFBConnect whenever necessary to make sure we stay, and remain, compatible both with their API calls (to make sure things work) and their Terms of Service changes (to make sure your site isn't ever frowned upon for doing something it shouldn't).

I hope that helps,
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9 years 5 months ago #49512 by Sunnyside
Hi Alex,

Just got back to office after an unscheduled trip, so sorry for replying late.

I got most of my answers, just a last clarifications:

Easysocial Custom Fields: I got your point regarding the import of facebook data, but i was referring to user filling his own data while registering thru facebook using JFBC.

Example: user clicks on register with facebook -->2) jfbc gets all the required data (name/email/sex etc..) --->and user is also asked to manually select a set of easysocial custom field radio buttons of my site.
So in effect, part of the registration is Auto & part manual selection by the registrant before completing the registration process.

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Support Specialist
9 years 5 months ago #49533 by mel
Replied by mel on topic Open Graph Actions & Easysocial

Example: user clicks on register with facebook -->2) jfbc gets all the required data (name/email/sex etc..) --->and user is also asked to manually select a set of easysocial custom field radio buttons of my site.
So in effect, part of the registration is Auto & part manual selection by the registrant before completing the registration process.

Yes, this is accurate how JFBConnect works with profile data on registration. We import what we can the user is forced to fill out the remaining data before the Registration will go through if it is marked as required in EasySocial. Just a note, when you do set up JFBConnect and our EasySocial Social Profile, please make sure to set the Registration Component in EasySocial to get the above to happen correctly.

Let us know if you need any more clarification.

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9 years 5 months ago #49545 by Sunnyside
Thanks melissa for your confirmation.
will proceed now.
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