Topic-icon Facebook like counts do not reflect on my facebook page

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As you can see on the attached pictures, when someone clicks on the like button on my website. the count on my site increases, but the count on my facebook page remain unchanged. Could you please help fix this.

File Attachment:

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Support Specialist
9 years 9 months ago #49735 by mel
The Like button in the JFBCSocialShare module is pointing at your website, not at your Facebook page This is why the counts do not match. The JFBCSocialShare is intended to like the current URL that the module is on. If you want the Like/Share to point to your Facebook page, then you will have to create a template override for /modules/mod_jfbcsocialshare/tmpl/default.php. You will have to change the $url variable around line 41 and the $href variable around line 52 with your Facebook page.

You can also add the SCSocialWidget module for the Facebook Like Box widget to your page, which can easily point to a Facebook page.

I hope this helps explain the issue and gives you ideas on how to resolve it.

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9 years 9 months ago #49752 by karipe
It surely explains the issue, but can you get a little more detail about how to do the modification?
you said to change the $url variable around line 41 and the $href variable around line 52 with my Facebook page. This is still a little technical to do. :) can you elaborate a little how to do it?
Thank you in advance.
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Support Specialist
9 years 9 months ago #49754 by mel
Sure, try the following two changes and let us know if you still have problems.

1. Change line 41 from
echo '<div class="jfbclike"><iframe src="//'.$url.
echo '<div class="jfbclike"><iframe src="//'.

and line 52 from
echo '{JFBCLike'.$href.
echo '{JFBCLike href='.
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