Topic-icon Publish two JFB social share module on the same page.

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I need to publish two JFB Social share per page. My intention is to show the first one only on desktop (using visible-desktop attribute) and show the second one only on mobile and tablets ( using hidden-desktop attribute) . I have used this for many other modules and it works just perfectly. But for some reasons, I can't get this to work with JFB social share. First, when I publish the second social share, only a portion of the module shows in the assigned position (left position in this case). the other portion portion shows at the bottom of the page. And in addition, as soon as I publish the second module, a third module also publishes itself at the bottom of the page.
Well, I don't have a clue of what is going on here. Could you please help me out?

File Attachment:

Please see attached screenshots. Please note that for the attached screenshot, I did put the visible-desktop / hidden desktop attribute, so that you can visualize the issue I am experiencing.

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Support Specialist
9 years 9 months ago #49061 by mel
We just tried to look at your page, and only see the floating bar in the bottom right in the page's source and visible on the page. I'm assuming you disabled the other widget.

As for things to check:
* The 2nd instance has 'Follow Kripke on Facebook">' at the bottom, which means some tag is broken, since that looks like a portion of the HTML. I'd look at the source HTML on the page and make sure it seems right.
* Check the widths of each widget you've configured in the JFBCSocialShare module. I'd recommend making each one about 30-50px to see if that helps things
* Check the title of *both* JFBCSocialShare module. See if either is "Social Share". If so, try to change it to "Social Share New Test" or something and see if the mysterious 3rd widget has it's name change as well. That will help narrow down which module is causing issues.

Beyond that, we'd need to see the module(s) enabled on the page to understand what else is going wrong.

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9 years 9 months ago - 9 years 9 months ago #49064 by karipe
Thank you for the tip.
I check all of that.
My HTML looks fine when the second module is not activate. but, when I activate the second module and the mysterious module appears as well, then, the page source code looks funky starting line 807 and that is where the broken HTML appears. If I disable the second module, then, everything looks normal again. I don't get what is going wrong here.

Also, I renamed the second module JFB Social Share test. And it appear that it is the one causing the issue.

I push further the test by publishing the module in the left position, and I still have the same funky issue. But then, I pusblished in the another position on the top of the main content and the issue went away.
What is going wrong here. it looks like I have that issue only when the module is published into the right of left positions. I publish other module int those position in order to ensure that the problem is not related to my template, but those other module do not have such problem.

To sum up, what issue is causing JFB not to display correctly when publish on the left of right positions?
Last edit: 9 years 9 months ago by karipe.
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Support Specialist
I have no idea what could be wrong in the left or right positions. There's not any code in our module that checks what template position it's in, or anything like that.

I'm confused as to what you're actually seeing too. I just viewed your page, and I'm seeing the below. There's no module on the right hand side, only the bottom. That module doesn't have any hidden or visible-desktop attributes on it at all, so it seems like it should always show.
File Attachment:

Did you change the configuration again?

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9 years 9 months ago #49090 by karipe
Hi Alex.
I indeed changed it again because it don't like seeing my page like that. I just published it again in the right position, and exactly as I was expecting, I saw that weird thing again. you can check it now and you will see.
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Support Specialist
Thanks for re-enabling. There's definitely some HTML issues going on. For me, I'm seeing them at 794, but that may just be because of minor changes on the page when you view it vs when I do.

What I'm seeing is:
<aside id="jm-right" class="span3" title="Share Karipe
    <div class="sourcecoast share linkedin jlinkedShare"><script type="IN/Share" data-url="" data-showzero="false" data-counter="top" data-onsuccess=""></script></div><div class="sourcecoast share twitter......
There's a lot more after that. The problem has to do with the following tag:
title="Share Karipe
There's no closing double-quote or even > at the end of that tag. I'm not sure what would be causing that, but obviously, something is either stripping some HTML code from the page that should be there or something is not correctly inserting the <aside tag to begin with.

My best suggestion from here is to disable the JFBCSystem plugin and see what the HTML looks like. When you do that, you should see a bunch of {JFBCLike} or {SCTwitterShare}.. etc tags after the <aside ..> block. If the title in that tag is still messed up, it means it's something with your template that's breaking. If the <aside > tag is properly closed and our {JFBC...} easy-tags are shown properly, then it's likely something with how JFBConnect is parsing our tags.

If you could disable the plugin and paste the output around that <aside > tag, that will really help narrow down where things are going wrong.

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