Topic-icon Hikashop Integration - Registration form

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Hi Guys, I use this component on most of my sites, but I have a problem - I also am a huge fan of Hikashop and use it for all ecommerce solutions we build, so I need your stuff to play nicely together - I see that with SC login you can set which registration component it works with - would it be possible in the future (not so distant) that you include making your component more Hika friendly?

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Support Specialist
10 years 1 month ago #46335 by alzander
Good news, hopefully :) First, we have a HikaShop profile integration plugin in development. There's already a small handful of testers using it, but we haven't received nearly enough feedback on it. We honestly don't know Hikashop well enough to give it a full stamp of approval yet, and haven't had the time to sit down and make sure it works exactly how we want.

If you'd like, we can gladly send you the plugin to test. Of course, please understand it may have bugs, so you'll need to test a lot before I'd recommend putting it on a live ecommerce site.. we don't want you to lose any sales.

As for the Register button, if you can do me a quick favor? Please disable SEO URLs on your site and then go to the Hikashop register page. Then, send me the index.php?... URL from the URL bar. With that, I can get you the code to update to make the SCLogin 'Register' button go where you want.

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10 years 1 week ago #47122 by llamaza
I'm in the same case, just discovered your great login module, it would be great if we can see a tight integration between Hikashop and SC Login. BTW, if you want to send me the plugin, i can test it.
Great work.
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Support Specialist
10 years 1 week ago #47132 by alzander
SCLogin is a free extension that you can download right now. Simply go to the Products -> SCLogin menu item.

For JFBConnect v6.2, coming out later this month, the new HikaShop plugin will be included. We hope you'll consider subscribing at that time if you want to add social networking integration to your site. If you're interested in testing now, we'd gladly send you the plugin, but you'll need to be an active subscriber first.

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10 years 3 days ago #47186 by llamaza
Hi Alex,
Thank you very much for you quick answer. I do not plan to add the social login features in the project i'm working right now, so it's not necesary to get the plugin right now.
I will consider subscribe if i need more features in my next projects.
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Support Specialist
10 years 2 days ago #47194 by alzander
That's great to hear. We'll be here when you decide that social authentication is the right choice for speeding up your checkout process and increasing sales.

All the best,
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9 years 11 months ago #47440 by opt2bout
Alex, can you tell me how much integration is in 6.2.x for Hikashop? We would like to replace the Hikashop registration and login with JFBC's SCLogin/Register functions and not sure where to begin.


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Support Specialist
9 years 11 months ago #47445 by alzander
6.2 includes our social profile integration, which lets you select how a user's social network profile data is imported into HikaShop fields. We support all text-type fields, link and website fields. Fields like radio or select buttons aren't supported as the data from a social network isn't able to conform to custom created options.

I'm not sure what else you're looking for. Obviously, I'd recommend testing out the new release and see what works for you.

I hope that helps,
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9 years 11 months ago - 9 years 11 months ago #47520 by opt2bout
Hmm, okay I guess I'm not finding that anywhere. When JFBC installs, it detects Hikashop. I looked under profiles and Hikashop isn't shown anywhere. I have tabs for Jomsocial and Joomla. Does the default user registration component need to be JFBConnect?

Also, I assume then that I need to modify the Hikashop view to change the registration and login buttons to use SCLogin?

EDIT: nevermind on point #1, I found the plugin "Social Profiles - Hikashop" ... I was filtering for JFB plugins.
Last edit: 9 years 11 months ago by opt2bout.
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Support Specialist
9 years 11 months ago #47524 by alzander
Glad you found the Social Profiles - HikaShop plugin and got that configured.

Also, I assume then that I need to modify the Hikashop view to change the registration and login buttons to use SCLogin?

Yes, if you want to add the social login buttons to the Hikashop login pages, you'd need to either add the SCLogin module to a position that will display on those pages or use the {JFBCLogin} Easy-Tag in their layout files.

I hope that helps, but if you have any questions, just let me know.

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