Topic-icon Question about changing order of social buttons

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Is there a way to change the order of the "Login with" social buttons? I want to push my users to log in with LinkedIn first, but want the other options available if they don't want to use LinkedIn. Currently I do not see a way to change the order without hacking. Ideally this would be on the configuration page somewhere so you can specify which icon you want in order.

Second issue: Is there a way to have the forum _not_ show my username, considering I used my email address as the username for this account? I looked through the settings for this support forum but do not see a way to change that.
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Support Specialist
10 years 1 month ago #46197 by alzander
There's no need for hacking. The new 6.1 release has the ability to re-order, or even hide, the buttons however you want in a few different ways:
* The SCLogin module has a "Providers" option in the 'Social Button Settings' section. In there, you can list the buttons you want to show, and the order of them, for that instance of the SCLogin module. For instance, on this site, we have that set to:
The last 3 are less important, so they go on the 2nd row of our login popup.
* If you're using the {JFBCLogin} tag, you can similarly update that with the providers setting:
{JFBCLogin providers=facebook,google,linkedin,twitter,instagram,github,vk}

Finally, for your username, there isn't a way to hide it. However, we can update it for you. If you have a preferred username you'd like to use, let me know either here or by the Contact Us form, and we'll get it changed for you.

I hope that all helps, but if not, let me know!

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Active Subscriptions:

Thanks for the response!

Is this in the full documentation anywhere? I may have missed it, but wanted to confirm in the event I didn't.
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Support Specialist
10 years 1 month ago #46226 by alzander
It's in the admin area JFBConnect -> Social -> Examples section, which lists all available tags. It looks like we haven't updated the online tags documentation yet though. We'll get on that.

The SCLogin module itself is definitely in need of an overhaul. It's exploded with features in the last release or so, which is good, but right now, the tooltips over each option is the best way to understand all the settings.

Sorry for the trouble, and glad we could help guide you in the right direction.

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