Topic-icon JFBconnect System Plugin conflict with Jreviews Template 3

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Ihave tested and found that new JReviews Template 3 can not be assigned until JFB Connect System plugin is published. That is a obvious bug. I spoke with Jreviews team and they told me some one else also has the same problem.

Is there any way to fix that bug? The bug is crashing Jreviews 3 Template.
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Support Specialist
Are you using JomSocial as well? If so, there's an issue with the SocialProfiles - JomSocial plugin that's causing templates to not be assigned properly when that plugin is enabled. There's a quick fix if that's the problem.

If you don't have the SocialProfiles - JomSocial plugin enabled, can you leave the JFBCSystem plugin enabled and disable any other Open Graph or SocialProfile plugins you have enabled? If things work then, please re-enable each of those one by one to narrow down which is causing the problem.

Finally, you mention 'crashing'. I'm assuming you just mean that it can't be assigned, like you mention in your first sentence. If you're seeing an error or other message though, please let me know.

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