Topic-icon Jreview Object and Action for add new page and also Review - please he

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10 years 3 months ago - 10 years 3 months ago #44477 by alexmartin
I searched previous post and could not find an answer.

I am using Jreview component.
I need your help on making action for Review of the listing . When some one post a review that become an action.
and also when some one ad new article to listing that become an action.

Pleas help with details on how to do it - both actions and object for both of this things.

Thank you very much.
Last edit: 10 years 3 months ago by alexmartin.
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Support Specialist
Sorry for the delayed response. The process for creating an action for a new review would be similar to our JomSocial Photo Upload Action example.

The only differences are that you'd want to change the names of your actions and objects to be 'review' and 'business' or something like that to be more correct for reviewing things.

Then, in JFBConnect, you'd want to:
* Create a JReviews Object instead of a JomSocial Photo
* Create a JReviews "Review" action instead of a JomSocial Photo Upload action

That will automatically trigger when a new review is placed and should do what you're looking for. If you have any questions, please let me know. Open Graph Actions can be tedious to setup in Facebook (and JFBConnect), but our documentation should walk you through it.

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