Topic-icon Standard Registration - password not saving

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I need to have both possibilities on my site, client can login with social network buttons (FB & G+) but when they complete the registration form and submit it - they either get the email if I have self set or it none - they get notice - You are registered... The problem in both situations is that the password is not saved... Even though they enter it and even if they receive the system email - they have an account - with username and password... they cannot login.... its driving me nuts! Please help!
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #41297 by alzander
I just tried registering on your site using Facebook. When I did so, my account was automatically created, which means you've enabled Automatic account creation in JFBConnect.

However, the email I got upon registration did not have a password in it. It seems like you've disabled the "Automatically Generate Password" option in JFBConnect, which means the user will only be able to login again using their social network login (or use the forgot password option).

Can you enable the generate password option, and see if that fixes your issue?

Beyond that, since you have automatic registration enabled, the user won't be redirected to a form to fill out their desired password. You'd have to disable automatic registration for that to work.

I hope that helps,
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10 years 7 months ago #41304 by BrettVorster
Hi Alzander,

Thank you for getting back to me so fast. I have fixed the issue... It might help others to know. I was running J3.2.0 and the problem with registered users not saving the password on registration. I uninstalled JFBConnect and upgraded to J3.2.2 (approx 4MB - upgrade from 2.0 to 2.2 - a significant upgrade) Well that seemed to fix it - testing from the upgrade I could create the new user accounts no issue... Then reinstalled JFBC and SC Login enabled all plugins and its all working like it should... That is:
If a user doesnt want to login with social profile - they can enter their username and password and system remembers and sends them email with correct credentials and if they login with social - simple as click of a button... so all good - thank you - this is a great component and even better service!
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #41317 by alzander
Awesome! I'm very glad to hear you got the issue going. Joomla v3.2.0 had a lot of password issues as they changed how passwords were generated. 3.2.1 cleared up most of those problems and 3.2.2 seems to be much more stable in a lot of different ways. We did have workarounds in JFBConnect for the 3.2.0 issues we knew of. It's possible there was some circumstance where the password generation wasn't working that we weren't aware of though.

Either way, again, happy to hear things are working as you expect now. Should you have any other questions or issues, just let me know.

Finally, if you haven't already, please consider leaving a rating and review for JFBConnect, or our support, on the Joomla Extension Directory. It certainly isn't required, but is very appreciated:

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