Topic-icon JFBConnect: Configuration instructions do not seem to match what is found in th

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Hi Alex,

JFBConnect: Configuration instructions do not seem to match what is found in the various API setup sites.
It is so very different it's impossible to follow instructions.
Guessed my way through some.. well maybe... I have no way of knowing.
Could not complete any of the settings up on any of them.
Am I missing something or do the instructions require updating?
Last edit: 3 years 5 months ago by Inotachi.
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Support Specialist
Thanks for pointing out our guides are out of date. This does happen from time to time as the social networks are *constantly* changing things. I think sometimes they do it just to mess with anyone that's made a guide...

Anyways, we found that the Twitter app area has been completely changed since the last time we updated the guide (not long ago..). We updated that today and should reflect the current requirements to setup a Twitter app.

Most of the other guides seemed relatively accurate. There are some items we saw that we'll update, but in general, the guides should help you complete the steps properly.

If there was a specific social network or guide you were looking at that was problematic, please let us know and we'll double-check that we're not missing something.

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