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8 years 5 months ago #57616 by Vizionz16
Replied by Vizionz16 on topic new user Help
hopefully i can some help with this i bought jfb like 4 years ago and never was able to get it to work on a public site. hopefully this time its different
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Support Specialist
8 years 5 months ago #57620 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic new user Help

And you mention module ? Do you mean {JFBCAction id=1 text=Post To Your Timeline} ?

Sorry for the confusion. Yes, that tag works. Or, you can use the SCSocialWidget configured as Facebook -> Action. We try to be flexible for whatever works for you, but the tag you used usually can be inserted places easier.

i added debugging and for the button i have share.. with the settings i posted above. i get the blue box with Error: Action is not associated to the object type of this page.

That error comes from JFBConnect itself. It means that the action you configured is not associated with the page you're trying to trigger it on. Please check:
* In the Action configuration that you've checked the box next to the object you're trying to associate to the page
* On the page, the proper object has been applied. A good way to do this is to set the object type to something like "TESTTEST" (temporarily). Then, if you view the HTML on the page, you should see the following tag somewhere:
<meta property="og:type" content="TESTTEST"/>
If the object isn't applying to the page, you'll need to investigate which object is or fix the object settings so that it does.

1. facebook comments - can post comments with facebook user but if i click to also add to facebook. comment shows up on website but nothing goes to timeline of facebook profile.

Do you mean the Facebook Comment box, like at the end of an article? If so, there should be a "Post this comment to Facebook" checkbox in the widget that the user can check to push the comment to their activity feed within Facebook. JFBConnect has *no* control over how that post shows up though within Facebook as the Comment box is controlled completely by Facebook.

2. like buttons it will show the user liked but it does not show in the likes on facebook.

Similar to above, Facebook completely controls their Like buttons and how it is promoted on a user's feed. If you go to Facebook and click the "Activity Log" button in your cover photo area, the Like should show up there. From there, Facebook automatically decides whether it shows in the user's feed, the friend 'ticker' or various other places. That's all controlled by their algorithms and, again, we have no control over that. In general though, the more Likes's a page gets, the more chance your Like's will show on user's timelines. Similarly, if a friend is visiting your feed and that friend has Like'd other content on your site or authenticated on your site, it's more likely that the Like will show to that user.

3. what is the best way to set up a default image. to represent the site so like a default image that opengraph would pick when there is not a dedicated image such as first image in k2

Go to the JFBConnect -> Open Graph -> Configuration area. There is a "Defaults" box where you can set a default image, like:
JFBConnect will set that on all pages, but order it after all other images that may be set so that Facebook *should* choose it last. Sometimes, their algorithms prefer the default image though, which can be annoying.

Added image of developers area what i see

The first step is figuring out why JFBConnect thinks the action isn't related to the object. With that error, JFBConnect isn't even trying to submit the action to Facebook to prevent them from denying it.

hopefully i can some help with this i bought jfb like 4 years ago and never was able to get it to work on a public site. hopefully this time its different

We're trying to help however we can. It sounds like you have Facebook authentication, social sharing and the comments box already setup and working properly. The Open Graph tags seem to be setup as well. Open Graph Actions are the most complex feature we have. So, you're doing well so far, but we'll continue to work to help get you going with that as well.

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8 years 5 months ago - 8 years 5 months ago #57621 by Vizionz16
Replied by Vizionz16 on topic new user Help
okay read everything.

1. facebook yes the comment box shows up and i can make a comment in the website it will show the comment. But then i go to facebook and look at timeline and the activity log and nothing shows up either place.

2.same with like buttons. i tried to just like article and also tried to make comment with a like and neither show in activity log as well.

and i sent you a Pm when you have spare time take a look at my settings. maybe i am just missing something small. or you can see a setting i have wrong preventing things from working correct.
Last edit: 8 years 5 months ago by Vizionz16.
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8 years 5 months ago #57624 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic new user Help
I'm unsure why the Comments or Likes aren't showing on Facebook. I just went into your JFBConnect configuration and set Debug Mode to 'off'. That setting affects how we load the Facebook Javascript library as well.

Once I did that, after posting a comment, a dialog popped up to confirm I wanted to post the comment to Facebook. I clicked yes, but it still didn't show. I deleted the comments from your site so they didn't cluttter things. I'd recommend trying to post a comment now to see if it eventually shows.

Another thing to try is running any page you're testing through the Facebook Open Graph Debug Tool . Once you initially load it, hit the "Fetch New Scrape Data" button and check for any errors that may show. Then, test the comment/like feature again if there are no errors (warnings are ok).

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8 years 5 months ago - 8 years 5 months ago #57626 by Vizionz16
Replied by Vizionz16 on topic new user Help
okay tested the facebook comments and yes now it works :) ( Note Might have narrowed it down. Comments will show for pages on zoo component. that i manually added to page. still looking into the backend setting for k2 comments. but that will not show k2 articles on facebook.

Likes still dont work nothing pops up to confirm comment for that and still doesnt show on facebook. thats not a big issue though since it is keeping track that someone liked it on page.

Update: okay i narrowed it down directly to k2 I manually added comment box and like buttons into zoo content click share and like and they both work perfectly. so either my k2 component was blocking it. it was built compatible with other versions then 2.67 or the latest version. or my settings were off somewhere.

So now will be a way to figure out custum actions that will work with zoo now
Last edit: 8 years 5 months ago by Vizionz16.
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Support Specialist
8 years 5 months ago #57637 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic new user Help
Glad to hear you're making progress. The social stream on your page and general social integration is looking good :)

Please keep us posted on any issues you're having or help you need. We'll gladly do what we can to help get you going.

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