Topic-icon facebook auto login and joomla login module

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9 years 2 months ago #53953 by monetise
1. Everything seems to be working great. Except for the auto login feature.
I think it is setup correctly (see attachment image)

But when I go to my site I still have to login.

2. Also how do I add social login buttons to my Joomla login MODULE? I see there is a setting to include social button in Joomla login page, but what about Modules?
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9 years 2 months ago #53954 by monetise
Ok I sorted out point 2. there is a SCLogin module that I can use to replace the Jomla login module.

But point 1 for auto facebook login is still not working.
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Support Specialist
9 years 2 months ago #53959 by mel
When I attempt to create a user on your site with my Facebook credentials, it brings me to the registration page but before I can finish registering, there's a loop with the 'You are now logging in with your Facebook credentials' popup. This suggests to me that you might have some browser caching on your site. Can you disable all caching and see if there is any change in behavior?

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9 years 2 months ago #53995 by monetise
I am not having that issue. I can register usign facebook just fine. Caching is already disabled on my site.
Please try again.
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Support Specialist
9 years 2 months ago #53999 by mel
I am able to create an account properly now. However, from looking at the page source, it appears that the auto-login feature is disabled since the following is present: = '0';
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