Topic-icon FB APP - incomplete instructions - What Items select for submission

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Regarding connecting your program with Facebook for Facebook Login integration.

Following your instructions I completed all fields on Face book Developer and pressed "Start a submission" .
There are pop up "Select Items for Submissions" - with fields should be selected ad not explained in the instructions ( instructions are outdated)

Would you mind please provide the exact steps what to select for making FBconnect login with Facebook to work?

The time i spent to play with FB makes me sick. Please provide guidance what to select and what to avoid. I hate to ask you - why instructions for FB outdated? I lost too much time.
Please help.
Thank you.
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Support Specialist
We're sorry the instructions are outdated. We'll look into updating them with recent Facebook changes. Unfortunately, they change their developer area on a seemingly weekly basis, which makes it impossible to always be up-to-date.

As for the fields to submit, first, you need to enable a Social Profile plugin and configure the Profiles area of JFBConnect with the fields you want to import. Once that's done, after you've performed a few test logins using your administrator Facebook Login, the submissions area will show you which permissions you've requested. You only need to submit for review those permissions.

If you aren't using a Social Profile plugin, you don't need to submit any fields for review as all JFBConnect would need are the basic settings.

I hope that helps explain,
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