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9 years 7 months ago #51106 by karipe
I can't tell what is being wrong with my website, but it looks like sourcecoast is not working as intentded on my website. I noticed that the addthis buttons are not working as they should. As I was looking into it, I notice that when I run facebook debugger on pages where I have the addthis, the result comes with error. You can try with this link and see:,11...nder-le-4wd,159.html

But when I desable addthis, then, the facebook pages do not show any errors anymore. So I am suspecting that something is not going write. Could you please help me look into this. My Ultimate goal is to have bith Addthis and Jfbconnect as both are equally important to my business.

I would appreciate if you help me find what is wrong.

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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #51112 by mel

As I was looking into it, I notice that when I run facebook debugger on pages where I have the addthis, the result comes with error.

When I fetch new scrape information for,11...nder-le-4wd,159.html using the Facebook Open Graph Debugger, I'm getting the following errors which indicate to me that Facebook is having a hard time scraping your pages.

File Attachment:

You can view on Common Support Questions at for "My Share Preview is Incorrect" for tips on how to resolve this. While you think it may be related to AddThis, it could also be unrelated as we see this error for other sites without AddThis. I'd try the suggestions at that link anyways to see if it works.

I noticed that the addthis buttons are not working as they should.

We do not generally recommend using AddThis at the same time as JFBConnect. Generally, we've seen that AddThis includes the deprecated Facebook library all.js which has not been recommended for about a year. The older library and the current one that JFBConnect recommends do not work together, so functionality like login and like buttons would not work. There are some of our users that have managed to get it working well together, but this is not something we generally support.

However, I just tried using the Facebook button from the AddThis popup on the,11...nder-le-4wd,159.html link and it posted properly to my Facebook timeline. Are you still having problems? If so, please be more specific on what behavior you're seeing versus what behavior you're expecting, any error messages that are encountered and the exact URL you are having the problem on.

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9 years 6 months ago #52049 by karipe
my issue with addthis is still not solved.
I finally figured out that this is happening because the sourcesoat component is inserting some codes into my file. like here:
and here:

Apparently, that is the code that is not allowing facebook to coorectly scrape my page. Please help me fix this. You know that facebook is extremely important for every website and without addthis working properly for facebook, I am loosing a lot of traffic. Please How can I fix this.
Would the best solution be to simply disable sourcecoast from my website?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Support Specialist
9 years 6 months ago #52051 by alzander
Whenever I try to navigate to I'm automatically redirected to

The same behavior seems to be happening with Facebook. When you run that page through the Open Graph debug tool, it's showing the following message:

To find the object, these are the redirects we had to follow

Is that the correct behavior? I'm unsure what the redirect is for, but if Facebook (or a user) can't actually access the page you're trying to share, that page won't work. You'll need to determine where the redirect is coming from and fix it.

Beyond that, the og:... tags being added to the page are what Facebook recommends using. They are part of the Open Graph protocol, which is what allows you to describe your pages and set the title, description, image and other data to be used in a post. I wouldn't recommend not using those tags as that will cause other sharing problems.

Finally, I'm not sure what version of JFBConnect you're using. The latest release is v6.3 which was released just a few days ago. There's been extensive improvements to Facebook integration in both the 6.2 and 6.3 releases which have come out over the last few months. If you're not on the latest release, we'd also recommend upgrading to improve compatibility between JFBConnect and Facebook.

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