Topic-icon Problem with social icons in Joomla Login

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9 years 8 months ago #50242 by luca77
Dear Sir,
I have disabled the option in JFB Configuration to integrate social network icons in the joomla login but the icons are always visible in
Thank you.
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Support Specialist
9 years 8 months ago #50246 by mel
The 'Integrate into Joomla Login' option is intended to add the social network buttons to the Joomla Users component Login view only - in other words for the index.php?option=com_users&view=login page. Turning this option off would not turn off the buttons in any other places. Could you provide a screenshot and full (non-SEF) version of the URL you're seeing this problem on?

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9 years 8 months ago #50351 by luca77
Excuse me I mean not in login page but in registration page of Jomsocial. Can I hide the icons in the registration page (and leave it in login module)?
Thank you
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Support Specialist
9 years 8 months ago #50356 by mel
In JomSocial, when you have the 'Use SourceCoast's JFBC" setting set to Yes, JomSocial adds the login buttons to several of their views, including the JomSocial frontpage, profile page and registration page. You can:

1. Set the value to No, but this would turn off the login buttons for all of JomSocial.
2. Override JomSocial's registration page at /components/com_community/views/register/view.html.php. Around line 77, you will see the following block of code to comment out or remove.
if ($config->get('usejfbc')) {
                if (class_exists('JFBCFactory')) {
                    $providers = JFBCFactory::getAllProviders();

                    foreach ($providers as $p) {
                        $fbHtml .= $p->loginButton();

Regardless of how you change JomSocial to include the buttons, they will still show up in the SCLogin module.

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