Topic-icon Sharing single post/activity on several social networks

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9 years 8 months ago - 9 years 8 months ago #50187 by luca77
Dear sirs,
is it possible to share an activity on social network channels (facebook, twitter, linkedin or google+) inserting a button next to like and comment buttons (in single post activity stream).
Thank you for your reply.
Last edit: 9 years 8 months ago by luca77.
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Support Specialist
9 years 8 months ago #50191 by mel
Please see our Common Support Questions section for "Can I post JomSocial stream posts to my Channels?" - found here at

This should help clarify the issue, but please let us know if you have any further questions.

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9 years 8 months ago #50208 by luca77
Hi Milissa, I read the link you have seggested to me but I'm interested to post single activity from Jomsocial activity to social network channel (es. Facebook) but not in automatically way.
I would like for example to insert a botton in every post (next to "like", "comment") where every user can choose to share or not that activity/post in their own social network.
Maybe I shoud override the Jomsocial default template but I don't know how to do.
Can you hel me please?
Thank you
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Support Specialist
You can add the {JFBCLike} tag (or other tags for the different sharing features of other social networks) next to the items in the activity stream. However, please note that sharing buttons are all tied to the URL that the Like/share button is for. That means that there *must* be a unique page/url for each status update.

I don't think that's something you can do with JomSocial. If there's not a unique URL for each post, then the Like buttons would all point to the 'current' page that the activity updates show on, and there's no way for Facebook to know which specific activity stream post was really being Like'd and because of that, it won't work.

I hope that helps explain, but if you need more information on how the sharing features work, just let me know. If you want to test adding the Like button to your updates, please try out the {JFBCLike} tag which you can add in any JomSocial template file. For more information on what files to edit, you'd need to contact the JomSocial developers for advice.

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Support Specialist
You could try something like the thread you included. That post is from over 2 years ago though and things have changed a lot since then. The recommendation there was to use an anchor tag to make each post unique. I don't think Facebook allows anchor tags to make posts unique like they used to. Either way, I still wouldn't recommend that method as each activity post goes into a generic stream in JomSocial. There's no guarantee that the URL that is shared will actually exist in a week or two if clicked by a user in Facebook, which can make Facebook start to think your site is spammy or broken.

Also, that post never looks to have worked for the user.

If you want to try the suggestions in that thread, all the options I recommend there should still work, but JomSocial's activity stream layouts have changed a little, so you'd need to update where to put the tags in those files.

I hope that helps, but if you need anything else, just let us know.

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