Topic-icon Difference between JFB Connect - SC Login - Hello me of JomSocial

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I contact you because I have a question: What the difference between JFB Connect, SC Login and "Hello me" of JomSocial please?
If I use SC Login, is it possible to link it with users of JomSocial?

Thanks and best regards,
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Support Specialist
They're both login modules. Our SCLogin module has integration for our social login buttons already and is what we recommend for the easiest method for adding the social login features to your site. There is also a user menu which can be used to display links to profile information or other areas of your site when a user is logged in.

The Hello Me module is simply JomSocial's login module. There are some predefined links in that module for a user to be able to visit their profile and other areas of JomSocial.

Something we've seen many of our users do is simply enable the SCLogin module for guests only. Then, for registered users, in the same module position, they'll enable the Hello Me module. This gives your users easy access to the login functionality of the SCLogin module with the HelloMe links and looks you may want for registered users.

With all that said, if you have the Social Profiles - JomSocial plugin enabled (it should have been installed with JFBConnect), if you're users login with a social network using JFBConnect, they will be automatically linked to the JomSocial user in your system (whether they are just registering or already have an account). The ways a user can login using social networks, outside of the SCLogin module are:
* The JomSocial home page - if you've enabled JomSocial's integration with JFBConnect
* The JomSocial registration page
* The standard Joomla login page
* The standard Joomla registration page

So, basically, you can use our SCLogin module.. or not. It's up to you :) There's plenty of other ways to add the social login features to your site if you'd like as well.

I hope that helps explain, but if you have any questions, just let me know!

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A big thanks Alex for your explanations ;)
I understand better.

Thanks and best regards,
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Support Specialist
No problem for the explanation of the differences. I'm glad to hear it helped. If you have any other questions or any suggestions for improvements, please let us know.

Finally, if you haven't already, please consider leaving a rating and review for JFBConnect, or our support, on the Joomla Extension Directory. It certainly isn't required, but is very appreciated:

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