Topic-icon [SOLVED] AutoTune Error Check can't see my SourceCoast Subscription ID

Active Subscriptions:

10 years 6 months ago - 10 years 6 months ago #42142 by SixSummits
Hi. I updated to JFB Connect 6.0.2 and then went through the AutoTune process. When I got to the Error Check state, I got a message that it could not proceed because my Source Coast subscription id was not entered under Basic Info. I checked Basic Info and my subscription was in fact entered.

Any suggestions?
Last edit: 10 years 6 months ago by SixSummits.
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Support Specialist
Can you go to the My Account -> My Profile area from the top right of this site and check your subscription ID? Some subscription IDs were updated recently due to a change on our part. You'll need to re-enter it into JFBConnect and then things should, hopefully, work as expected.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Of course, if you run into issues, just let me know.

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Active Subscriptions:

That solved the issue. Thanks.
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Support Specialist
Glad to hear that got you going. Sorry for the confusion!

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