Topic-icon An active access token must be used to query information about the cur

Active Subscriptions:

Just tried using the open graph part of jfbconnect but get the below message in the activity logs - I think this is because a user has to be logged in to see this part of the website i want to share. meaning facebook cant scrape for open graph tags. extra info - I have a redirect set up for that page if a guest tries to visit they get redirected to the login page.

"An active access token must be used to query information about the current user."

Any ideas? have i missed something i need to add to an action or object?


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Support Specialist
You're correct as to what could definitely be part of the problem. If Facebook can't 'see' your content, it won't be able to know the open graph tags that you've set on the page. The easiest way to test that is to run your page through the Facebook URL Debug Tool . If the results there are from your login page (or wherever guests, like Facebook) would be directed, that's a problem.

There isn't an easy method around this. We do have plans for a future release later this year to implement a way for Facebook to 'peek' into registered content, but it's in the very early planning stages, and not something I can give any timeline on when it would be available.

With all that said, the error message you're getting is strange on it's own. I'm not sure why FB is querying information about the current user at all. If possible, the easiest thing to test and narrow things down is to setup a similar action on a public page that Facebook can scan and see what happens.

I hope that helps clarify and make some progress,
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