Topic-icon Safari Facebook Canvas Autologin Problem

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10 years 7 months ago #41071 by verzevoul
I think there is a problem loging in within facebook. I doubled checked with other pcs and users. Is there a workaround?
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #41085 by alzander
Can you explain a lot more about the issue you're having? Specifically:
* What is the configuration your testing? JFBConnect, browser and website settings.
* What are you expecting to happen?
* What is actually happening?
Also, if you can point us to the URL we can test at with the above steps, that will help us a lot. From your post, I'm not sure what you're seeing or expecting.

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10 years 7 months ago #41092 by verzevoul
If you try to login in my app

I am not sure which is the wright link..

you ll see that with safari you cannot login.
I use the sc login.
Try it with safari, it works with google and firefox
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #41134 by alzander
When I try to login on your Facebook Canvas area, I'm brought to the login page, as expected. I didn't run into any issues when trying to login in the Canvas view.

Can you try from different Facebook accounts or even different computers?

We'll gladly investigate more, but I just can't recreate the problem right now. I can send a picture of what we see as well, if you'd like.

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10 years 7 months ago #41136 by verzevoul
Did you try with safari?
The problem is with Safari browser.
I opened to 4 times attempt so you can recreate the problem
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #41145 by alzander
I am using Safari. Below is a picture of what I see when I click the Facebook button in your App view:

File Attachment:

I'm not sure what you're seeing. Have you tried from different computers and/or different Facebook accounts? Otherwise, can you try disable the Reveal Page feature in JFBConnect and see if that fixes the issue?

I opened to 4 times attempt so you can recreate the problem

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Can you explain more?

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10 years 7 months ago #41151 by verzevoul
I can t understand how it works now. I checked it with some friends too and it didn t work on Safari couple days ago. I ll double check again. Thanks!
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10 years 7 months ago #41167 by verzevoul
Unfortunately it doen t work on Greece :)

I tried from 2 pcs with different ips but still the same issue. I read somewhere in the forum that I m not the only one. But surely I can see your screenshot
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #41177 by alzander
There's not a common problem with Safari, but there can be issues others are experiencing with Safari that may seem similar. We've worked to fix those over time, and what you're reporting is not something we've heard of before.

When I tested on your site, here's what I did. It's a little different than what you tried, and may have somehow changed the behavior:
1) I went to your App Canvas Page
2) I then when to you're actual home page, outside of the Canvas view
3) On you're 'live' site, I found the page where you have the "Facebook" login button
4) I looked at the code on that page, and tested to make sure the login with Facebook functionality worked in that view... it did, as expected
5) Then, I went back to your Canvas page and tried to login there. It worked there as well.
There shouldn't be any reason that logging into your 'live' (non-Canvas) site should make the Canvas work, but that's what I did.. can you try testing that way to see if that changes the behavior you see? If so, we'll gladly investigate further, but I'm simply unsure what is different about your site vs others.

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