Topic-icon JFBConnect Model usermap error

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10 years 8 months ago #40281 by SixSummits
Hi. I have AcyMailing installed and configured to give frontend registered users the ability to create a newsletter. In one instance, I clicked a link to create a newsletter which, because I was not signed in as a registered user, brought up my SCLogin login/register module. This is turn produced this notice:

Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/mysite/public_html/administrator/components/com_jfbconnect/models/usermap.php on line 20

I use the model Login button and it was distorted. It was as wide as normal, but its height was grossly exaggerated.

Any idea how to fix this?

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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #40286 by alzander
That's not an issue we've heard of before, but we'll look into why it may be happening. The message shown is a PHP Notice, which means it's really a message to report to 'us' to fix. It's not a critical error or letting you know that something is drastically wrong though. What I'd recommend is setting the "Error Reporting" setting in the Joomla -> Global Configuration area to "None". That will disable the notification type messages from PHP from being shown and should hide that message.

Again, we'll still look into the cause, but the above is the best temporarily solution to get around that message.

I hope that helps,
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10 years 8 months ago #40332 by SixSummits
Hi Alex,

Here's a screen shot of the result. There are still more formatting errors below the captured part of the screen, which look like the font is too big for its table, bleeding off the scrren. A particularly odd occurrence are the strange characters in front of my "Auctions" menu item.

I'm going to have to figure out how to clean this up before taking the site live, so if you have any suggestions I'm all ears.


File Attachment:
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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #40353 by alzander
The PHP Notices can be fixed using the method I mentioned above, specifically:

What I'd recommend is setting the "Error Reporting" setting in the Joomla -> Global Configuration area to "None". That will disable the notification type messages from PHP from being shown and should hide that message.

It's possible that removing those messages will fix the strange characters as well, since the character set encoding may not be properly being sent to the browser when those errors appear.

As for the Logout button, that's something we'd need to see live to be able to diagnose. From the looks, it seems like there's a template conflict that's trying to set that button to be very large. Once we see the site, we can help provide the CSS that should force the button to the proper size.

Please post, or private message, a link to your site (and preferably some test credentials so we don't have to create an account). We'll gladly test.

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