Topic-icon Like / Share Button on everything in Jomsocial

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12 years 1 week ago #26366 by uriel
Hi Alex it has been a while again and thought I would just follow up and see if you had a chance to look into this issue ?
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Support Specialist
12 years 1 week ago #26411 by alzander
Very sorry for the delay. I've been looking periodically to understand what's wrong, and just realized the problem. The Like button link is incorrect. It's missing the domain part of your site and just using a relative link (starting with /index.php?...). To fix that, please update the Like button code to be:
{JFBCLike show_send_button=false href=<?php echo CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid='.$act->actor.'&act='.$act->id); ?>}
By hardcoding your Domain path in the href parameter, that should fix the URL properly for Facebook and hopefully get everything fixed up for you.

Keep us posted on how that goes, and good luck!
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12 years 1 week ago #26423 by uriel
Hi Alex...thanx for your reply...

Ok so I change this :
<!-- if no one likes yet, then show: -->
<?php if($allowLike) { ?>
<?php if($act->userLiked!=COMMUNITY_LIKE) { ?>
&#x2022; <a id="like_id<?php echo $act->id?>" href="#like" onclick="'community','system,ajaxStreamAddLike', '<?php echo $act->id; ?>');return false;"><?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_LIKE');?></a>
<?php } else { ?>
&#x2022; <a id="like_id<?php echo $act->id?>" href="#unlike" onclick="'community','system,ajaxStreamUnlike', '<?php echo $act->id; ?>');return false;"><?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_UNLIKE');?></a>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>

to this :
{JFBCLike show_send_button=false href=http://www.blahbadoo.comactor.'&act='.$act->id); ?>} ?
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Support Specialist
12 years 1 week ago #26431 by alzander
Yes, that big block of code isn't really necessary if you don't want to use JomSocial's built-in Like system. You can just replace it with the code you copied at the bottom.

Hope that helps, but let us know if you run into any issues!
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12 years 1 week ago #26442 by uriel
Hi Alex,
Thank you but I am afraid it is still not posting to Facebook.
I checked and rechecked what you have suggested and it works fine on my site but nothing under the Activity Log or my Profile on FB... :-(
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Support Specialist
12 years 1 week ago #26450 by alzander
Something's still not right. The code that's being inserted on the page is:
fb:like href="/index.php/your-community/78-terence-coleman/profile?act=55" show_faces="true" send="false"
That's not the full link, like we're trying to add above. Are you sure you entered the code right? Do you have any sort of Joomla caching enabled that may be retaining the old values?

We'll need to determine why the link isn't right to figure out why the posting isn't happening. Another thing to try is to (temporarily) disable the JFBCSystem plugin. Then, you should see the raw {JFBCLike ...} tag show up on the page. Make sure that tag actually has your domain name in the link. If not, the change above isn't taking effect for some reason.

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12 years 1 week ago #26486 by uriel
I have disabled the plugin as you suggested in your message to me and it shows the link as follows :
{JFBCLike show_send_button=false href=/index.php/your-community/78-terence-coleman/profile?act=61}
As you have seen in the attachment I mailed you you said the code looks correct so I really dont know what else to do ?

The Plugin is still disabled if you want to have a look
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Support Specialist
12 years 6 days ago #26506 by alzander
Are you sure you're editing the correct file? Mainly, if you made a template override at one point, you should be editing that file, not the original in the /components/com_community directory.

If you're sure you're editing the right file, please private message me some admin credentials for your site. We'll need to install a file manager and look around to see what's wrong and try to fix it.

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