× Joomla Facebook Connect support forum

Topic-icon Cache problem with the facebook connect button

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i have the problem that after i'am activate the caching plugin the facebook connect button don't display.
If i clear the cache at the joomla backend and reload the site the button is shown.
But if i reload the page, the button is gone.
Firebugs shows only this: Mit Facebook einloggen.
If i deactivate the plugin the button is shown every time i reload the site.
Any idea how i can fix this problem?

With Best Regards
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Support Specialist
13 years 2 months ago #11749 by alzander
Are you talking about the "System - Cache" plugin, or the Cache setting in Global Configuration? We use the Global Configuration cache setting on this, and many other sites which does server side caching. This helps prevent extra PHP code by saving the output instead of re-rendering the page repeatedly for each new visit by all users.

We don't use the System - Cache plugin because we've experienced issues with it in the past (not necessarily with JFBConnect). This leverages browser caching (in addition to normal caching) which has proven to cause Javascript issues in the past. If this is the one, let us know, and we can do some testing on our own to see if there's anything we can tweak to get things going smoother.

Some things to also check:
* Are you using any sort of minification scripts? If so, can you try unpublishing them?
* Is this browser specific?

Finally, can you send (or Private Message) the URL of the site with this issue? May help us to narrow things down faster.

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yea iam talking about the "System - Cache" plugin.
i use the server side caching with memcache and apc for sessions.
with the "System - Cache" plugin works the website much faster.
i use no minimization modules.
the problem is not browser specific. i test it on safari, opera, chrome and firefox
the url of the website is your inbox,

With Best Regards
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Support Specialist
13 years 2 months ago #11761 by alzander
Just did some testing, and have a very good guess as to what the issue is. Go into the plugin manager and ensure that the System - Cache plugin is ordered after/higher than the JFBConnect system plugin. If it fires before, the Login With Facebook button won't work.

In general, we'd recommend making the System - Cache plugin the last system plugin to fire, because for things like tag replacements {JFBCLike} that we, and other extensions do, they need to be performed before the Cache plugin tries to save the output of the page.

Please let us know if that fixes the issue for you!
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Great, it works!
Thank you very much.
This is a very good support!
You're awesome.

With Best Regards
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Support Specialist
13 years 2 months ago #11778 by alzander
No problem. Glad we could help. We enabled that plugin on our site here and have been testing it quite a big. Definitely noticing an improvement, and it also means that we'll be doing more testing with it in the future. Don't know of any reasons that it should cause problems though, beyond the ordering, so you should be good to go.

Finally, please consider leaving a rating and review on the Joomla Extension Directory for JFBConnect and/or our support:

Thanks, and good luck to you and your site,
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