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Topic-icon IE 8 and fanbox

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13 years 9 months ago #4793 by komodo25
IE 8 and fanbox was created by komodo25
Hello all, anyone have an Idea, why I can see the fanbox module using firefox but not with Internet Explorer 8? (I already tried using the compatibolity view) :|
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Support Specialist
13 years 9 months ago #4799 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic IE 8 and fanbox
Can't say I know. The first thing I'd look for is javascript errors on the page (either from JFBConnect or another template, component, or module's javascript).

If you can post the URL to the page with the Fanbox module, that will help us narrow down the issue quicker. The Fanbox works on our demo site (and multiple other sites) in IE8, so we'll just have to figure out what's different about your configuration.

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13 years 9 months ago #4878 by komodo25
Replied by komodo25 on topic IE 8 and fanbox
Now all is ok, thanks

you got a PM ****
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Support Specialist
13 years 9 months ago #4879 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic IE 8 and fanbox
Glad to hear you got the Fanbox going. If you need other help, let us know!
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