Topic-icon JFBConnect v9.1.76 fails to install on Joomla 4.4.4

The com package uploads, unpackages and ends with a empty red box at the end.  See attached pic.

A quick search through installed extensions using the search term JFB yielded a number of installed v9.1.76 extensions, some older extensions but most were disabled.   

I have enabled everything.  

Did the package completely upgrade or do I need to do something more?  

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Support Specialist
3 months 2 weeks ago #68946 by mel
Strange. We haven't had anyone encounter that issue yet. If you try to install again, do you encounter the error another time?

I'd also check that you have the SCLogin module and the SourceCoast library. The library is critical for JFBC. If it's there too, if it were me, I'd proceed and see what happens...

All of the plugins should be disabled when you install JFBConnect. The ones that you'll need right away are the JFBC System, Auth and User plugins. We'd suggest following the first section of our quick start guide .

Let me know if you run into issues and we'll go from there.

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