Topic-icon SCLogin into EngageBox popup - RTL Bootstrap conflict

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1 year 5 months ago - 1 year 5 months ago #68512 by joomleb
Hi guys,
I'm loading SCLogin module in a popup man thanks to EngageBox
You can see it in action clicking on the hearth at the top right page corner  here  (Joomla 4).

As you can see the SCLogin is loaded in RTL mode.
Many Thanks to Tassos Marinos (EngageBox leader) we investigated it and it seems be caused "by the SCLogin modle HTML code in combination with the Bootstrap files loaded":
bootstrap.min.css  = It is from Helix Ultimate 2.0.12 template framework
sc_bootstrap5.css  = It is from JFBConnect 9.0.215

- JFBConnect Configuration > Advanced > Load jQuery/Bootstrap: No - (Enable to include the jQuery and Bootstrap Javascript libraries on your site. Disable if another extension or your template is already including this.)
- JFBConnect Configuration > Advanced > Load Bootstrap CSS: None - (JFBConnect requires the Bootstrap v2 or v5 CSS library included on the frontend page. Disable this setting if another extension or your template is already including this CSS on your site for a small page load time improvement.).
- SCLogin module > Advanced > Load jQuery/Bootstrap: No 

So, the  sc_bootstrap5.css  should never be loaded. Do you agree ?

I remain available
Last edit: 1 year 5 months ago by joomleb.
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Support Specialist
1 year 5 months ago #68517 by mel
Looking at the code, that's not what's implemented.

Temporarily go into the plugins/system/jfbcsystem.php file around line 103 and change
if($loadBsClass == '2' || JVERSION >= 4.0)
if($loadBsClass == '2')

I don't recall why there's an exception to always load it for J4. I'll need to look through changelogs to figure it out.

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Hi Mel,
I changed it into the .../plugins/system/jfbcsystem/jfbcsystem.php file, but I still have the bug...

Maybe there is something else to change?
Maybe even directly in the SCLogin module ?
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Support Specialist
1 year 5 months ago #68521 by mel
In SCLogin, the only place that includes sc_bootstrap5.css is in the helper.php file. However, the code should only be including this file if JFBConnect is not installed and J4. You could try commenting out the if/else statement in the setupTheme method around line 126, but I don't think this will have any effect if the JFBConnect component is enabled.
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