Topic-icon [SOLVED] Login Button not working/ responding

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9 years 9 months ago - 9 years 9 months ago #49053 by Magick

I updated my site from Joomla 2.5.27 to Joomla 3.3.6 yesterday. I also use Virtuemart 3.0.0.
Before I updated I re-subscribed to JFBConnect and updated from Ver. 6.1.0 to 6.2.3.

It all worked flawless before upgrading from J2 to J3, but afterwards the SCLogin-Module stopped working correctly.
On the Modal Popup as well as on the "always visible" mode the Login-Button doesn't respond, if I click it. Nothing happens. It's like the pointless Button in the ASDF-Movies from TomSka.

I reinstalled the SClogin seperatly and also the whole JFBConnect-Component. I ran AutoTune, Error Check and searched for other possible bugs, like disabled component output, jQuery-Conflicts and other suggestions made here in the forum. I also tried different templates from different coder. Same.

JFBC-Config: jQuery/Boostrap: on, Boostrap CSS: on
SCLogin jiQuery: off
(I tried it with every possible setting constellation)

My knowledge in PHP, HTML or JS is very basic. Most I can do is manipulating existing code with help from Firebug.

I do not have tried to re-install Joomla 3.3.6 completely with the package installer.

Two other site-updates with almost the same config, except Virtuemart and JFBConnect (but SCLogin), ran thru without problems.

Here is the link to the site with active SCLogin on the top, besides the logo:
I created an testing account.
Name: Test
Password: JFBC-test-01

I don't have a clue wht's possibly broken and after several hours of trying my best I've got headache.

So I hope some of the fabulous SourceCoast-Team has an idea what's wrong.

Last edit: 9 years 9 months ago by Magick.
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Support Specialist
9 years 9 months ago #49060 by mel

Looking at your page, it looks like two factor authentication is enabled and something is blocking our script from being run from SCLogin. I see the following error from the console:
POST 403 (Forbidden)

Make sure your file permissions are correct and that there is no firewall or htaccess restriction that would prevent loading the otpcheck.php file below.

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9 years 9 months ago #49063 by Magick
Oh. My. God.
Thank you so much! :D
So happy right now.

I didn't thought to check the console and even then I probably didn't found the solution.
I use Admin Tools and used the htaccess-Maker. After your hints I searched for Admin Tools and SCLogin and found this:

If you use admin tools, go to the htaccess maker and add this line to the list of "Allow direct access to these files"

I don't know if it's possible, but maybe you can add that the SCLogin-Module can check itself for function and if something doesn't work a hint is given to the administrator.
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Support Specialist
9 years 9 months ago #49071 by mel
I'm glad you got it working. I've made a note in our issue tracker to investigate if there's some check we can do.

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