Topic-icon SCLogin integrated with JFBConnect & Community Builder

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We've installed JFBConnect with SCLogin and we're happy with the neatness that SCLogin offers. However, when we installed Community Builder, we're stuck with 2 logins. The normal Joomla-based login from Community Builder, and SCLogin. We want to integrate all 3 of them together (you can login using your Facebook profile using SCLogin's aesthetics, and you still get to the User list of Community Builder). We can't find what configuration options should we use on all 3 extensions. Can someone point it out please?
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Support Specialist
I'm not sure exactly what you mean here, but we'll gladly help however we can.

First, the SCLogin module has an option for "Registration Component". With that, the "Register" button will redirect the user to the CB registration flow, if they don't want to login using a social network. Also, with that setting configured, when a user logs in using the SCLogin module, they will go through the CB login flow and be redirected wherever CB is configured to bring them to (as well as triggering any CB specific plugins). That should take care of most of what you're looking for, I think.

I'm not sure what you mean about the User List from CB. The SCLogin doesn't prevent you from using that at all. Is there a special link in the CB Login module that you are missing in the SCLogin module, or something like that?

Let me know a little more about what's missing, and we'll help how we can. If you can post (or private message) links to pages that have a mix of things and point to xyz that you like and don't like, that would really help us understand as well.

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10 years 6 months ago #41991 by lyljov
Thanks for the response.

I actually figured out what the problem is. I only enabled SCLogin as the only login feature for the site (instead of CBLogin) so people can log in with their Facebook accounts.

When you register using your Facebook account via SCLogin, it's not auto-confirmed and approved but it still is created on the CB User management part. I cannot find the modification needed to make it work. I have tried turning off account verification on both Joomla and CB level but still, it doesn't work. I think it may be a cause of CBLogin not integrated well with the JFBConnect addition of SCLogin. Thoughts?
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Support Specialist
If the accounts aren't being activated/approved, it means that you have a profile field in CB set to 'required' that isn't being imported into from the social networks.

Please make sure:
1) You've enabled the Social Profiles - Community Builder plugin
2) In the JFBConnect -> Profiles area, you've 'mapped' all fields of CB to a social network field.

If that doesn't help, please try un-requiring any CB fields (even temporarily to test) and see if that makes the users approved as expected. Then, we can go from there.

I hope that helps, but if not, let us know.

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10 years 6 months ago #42006 by lyljov

Thanks for the response.

I checked JFBConnect under Profiles and it says "No JFBConnect Profile plugins are currently enabled.". Can you guide me on how to override the "required" fields? Even via code. Thanks!
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Support Specialist
Please go to the Plugin Manager in Joomla and enable the "Social Profiles - Community Builder" plugin. You'll then be able to configure it in the JFBConnect -> Profiles area.

I hope that helps, but if you still have issues, just let us know,
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10 years 6 months ago #42031 by lyljov

Thanks for the response.

I cannot find "Social Profiles - Community Builder". I can only find "Social Profiles - Joomla" and "Social Profiles - Custom DB".

Also, on the installation guide for CB, we have the following line:

Once you have installed the latest CB package (CB component and 3 modules) you should notice the following:

Community Builder has been added to your Joomla Components menu
Unpublished CB Login, CB Workflow and CB Online modules have been added to your Joomla: Extensions :: Module Manager

It doesn't mention any plugin that has to be installed. Am I missing something here?
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Support Specialist
The directions you posted above are for CB, not JFBConnect. You should follow their instructions for getting CB setup.. and then integrate JFBConnect with it.

As for why the plugin isn't showing in the plugin manager, my guess is that you installed CB after you installed JFBConnect. Our installer tries not to clog your site up with plugins and modules you don't need, and won't install ones it thinks you can't use. Now that CB is installed, please re-install JFBConnect (you don't need to uninstall first and you won't lose any of your settings). The new installation should detect CB and install the appropriate plugins.

I hope that helps you make some progress, but if not, let me know!

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10 years 6 months ago - 10 years 6 months ago #42072 by lyljov
It worked! Registration was smooth, although we lost the "Register" button. We only have "Login" for now, and the FB button which lets you register via JFBConnect.

This is because the "Allow User Administration" on the User Option Settings in Joomla is set to No. If I bring it back to Yes, the link users/?view=registration comes back. However, on CB installation guide, it says we should turn it off and just use "Yes, Regardless of global settings" on the Registration tab.

I also tried setting it to "Yes", and using "Register using Facebook" to try and create a new user. It works this way. But my question remains: Is this a sign that the integration is not working well between SCLogin, JFBConnect, and CB?
Last edit: 10 years 6 months ago by lyljov.
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Support Specialist
Please make sure that in the SCLogin module, the "Registration Component" is set to "Community Builder". That should make the register button go to CB and not the standard Joomla login area.

But my question remains: Is this a sign that the integration is not working well between SCLogin, JFBConnect, and CB?

No, it's not. I don't think there's any issue with JFBC or CB (or their integration). Really, the SCLogin button's "Register" button is one of the more simpler features we have. It's really just a link to either Joomla's registration page or CB's registration page. There's no 'integration' there, there's just a link. Obviously, if you're still having issues there (like missing buttons), just let us know and we can help investigate further.

If the Facebook login/registration portion is working, that's the 100 lb gorilla.. and if it works, that means integration is going very well. From what you said above, it sounds like it is working, but if not, again, let us know.

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