Topic-icon SCLogin not logging out on EasySocial Profile Page

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9 years 1 week ago - 9 years 1 week ago #54751 by aaronpie
When trying to logout on the Easysocial profile page, nothing happens. The page just reloads. I have to navigate to another page to logout of my website. I am running the latest version of Joomla, Easysocial, JFBConnect, and SCLogin. This has been happening for a while now on previous version. Just getting around to posting the problem on the forum.
Last edit: 9 years 1 week ago by aaronpie.
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Support Specialist
How are you trying to logout? Is this from the SCLogin module or some other logout button? If it's from SCLogin, we should be able to help. If it's from a logout button from EasySocial or another extension, I'm not sure there's much we can do. Mainly, if there's some reason to suspect JFBConnect or the SCLogin module as the cause, please let us know more details about what is happening so that we can investigate further.

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I am using SCLogin to log in and out of my site. How can I send you my site credentials so you can take a look at it?
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9 years 1 week ago #54768 by mel
You can use the envelope icon under mine or Alex's avatar to send a private message with the credentials.

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9 years 5 days ago #54832 by mel
I can log into your front-end with the credentials you sent. When attempting to log out on the EasySocial profile page, it fails as you mentioned. However, there is an error on the console that a script tag on the page is not closed properly. We think this is the likely culprit and not JFBConnect. Could you ensure that you haven't modified your template and accidentally removed the closing tag?

This is the tag block that is not closed properly.
<script type="text/javascript" src="/media/gantry5/assets/js/main.js?55f8dc97"></script>
                        <script type="text/javascript"><script type="text/javascript" async defer

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I was able to remove the script, but still having the same problem.
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9 years 4 days ago #54845 by mel
Now there is an error on the profile page after logging in. The tables referenced in this error are not from JFBConnect.

File Attachment:
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That is strange. I just tried logging into my website using the credentials I sent to you and I did not get the error. Can you please try again. Thank you.
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9 years 4 days ago - 9 years 4 days ago #54850 by aaronpie
That is strange. I just tried logging into my website using the credentials I sent to you and I did not get the error. Can you please try again. Thank you.
Last edit: 9 years 4 days ago by aaronpie.
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Support Specialist
9 years 4 days ago #54855 by mel
I'm still receiving the error.
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