Topic-icon Cannot get sclogin modal to load from menu

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I just installed SCLogin on top a Joomla 3.3 with the Purity III template installed

I followed the tutorial here that describes how to get a menu button with menu anywhere

So far so good the button shows up in my menu bar

If I specify with Jquery in the advanced option, when i click the button nothing happens.

If I specify without Jquery, I get the fade effect but no login

In the developer console in safari, i see this message on page load
[Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: jfbcJQuery

Can you help to get this working?

Thank you
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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #50711 by mel
It might be a little confusing, but we have two options for JQuery, one in the SCLogin module and one in the JFBConnect component. If you have JFBConnect installed, I believe that the SCLogin setting is ignored. Please try updating the value in the JFBConnect component to enable JQuery to see if this has any change. If you don't have JFBConnect installed, please let me know and we'll have to investigate further.

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9 years 7 months ago #50737 by buehlerytri
JFBConnect has JQuery Enabled:

In the browser error console, i still see : [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: jfbcJQuery

You can see it in action here on this development site:

Thank you
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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #50749 by alzander
It doesn't look like our JFBCSystem plugin is enabled at all on that site. Can you please make sure you've gone through all the Autotune -> Error Check tests and verified they work? Until those tests pass, many other features will not work properly.

I hope that helps,
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9 years 7 months ago - 9 years 7 months ago #50786 by buehlerytri
It does help, I enabled all the systems in autotune, must have missed that.

Now the login button appears different but still doesn't bring up the modal login. I've turned include jquery on and off in sclogin's settings but no changes.

And also on the regular login page the facebook button does nothing, see the console trace:

Thank you
Last edit: 9 years 7 months ago by buehlerytri.
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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #50793 by mel

Now the login button appears different but still doesn't bring up the modal login. I've turned include jquery on and off in sclogin's settings but no changes.

1. When I inspect the login button at the top, I see data-target="#" on the separator class, which could cause part of the problem.
* What version of Joomla are you running?
* What version of Modules Anywhere?
* Could you take screenshots of how you've configured the menu item to load the module (or PM me backend access so I can look at the configuration).

2. There is an extra div for the login modal on the page. It doesn't seem like the entire sclogin module, so I don't know how it's getting where it is.
* How many instances of the SCLogin module have you added to the page?
* Have you done any template overrides of the SCLogin files?

I've turned include jquery on and off in sclogin's settings but no changes.

Slightly confusing, but if JFBConnect is installed, the settings for JQuery and Bootstrap will be used from the component, not the SCLogin module. Have you tried changing the component settings too?

And also on the regular login page the facebook button does nothing, see the console trace

Is this happening when you are attempting to register a user or when you are re-logging in again? I went to that page and was able to create a user without any errors. However, the mail function is not working so I never received an email to activate the account. Therefore, I cannot check to see if this is happening on just login.
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9 years 7 months ago #50913 by buehlerytri
The only issue remaining is trying to get that modal login working

1. When I inspect the login button at the top, I see data-target="#" on the separator class, which could cause part of the problem.
* What version of Joomla are you running?

Joomla! 3.3.6 Stable [ Ember ]

* What version of Modules Anywhere?


* Could you take screenshots of how you've configured the menu item to load the module (or PM me backend access so I can look at the configuration).
the rest of the tabs have nothing in them

2. There is an extra div for the login modal on the page. It doesn't seem like the entire sclogin module, so I don't know how it's getting where it is.
* How many instances of the SCLogin module have you added to the page?

Only one as i can tell, here's teh sclogin module setup

* Have you done any template overrides of the SCLogin files?

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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #50914 by mel
After logging into your backend, looking at your configuration tonight and investigating some different things, we think there may be some sort of conflict with your template's Megamenu which is preventing the modal from popping up. Putting the SCLogin module into a different position (such as the head-search position) will pop up the modal correctly. I'm not sure at this point why, but just wanted to let you know we're making some progress and I'll look at it some more tomorrow.

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9 years 7 months ago #50916 by buehlerytri
Thank you so much, I did try to turn off the megamenu but it still doesn't work, let me know what you find out tomorrow.

Thank you
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Support Specialist
9 years 7 months ago #50936 by alzander
Melissa and I both did a lot of digging on your site today. Unfortunately, we don't have an answer as to what specifically is going wrong, but have definitely narrowed things down. I don't know how the menu system works in the template you're using, but the 'main' navigation menu at the top is somehow treated differently than any other menu. The SCLogin module doesn't work *only* when placed in that menu. If you assign the menu module to any position on the page, it will start working properly. It seems the Modules Anywhere and SCLogin module are working as expected, but something in that main navigation menu area at the top is being handled differently by your template.

I really don't know what else to say here because I don't know the template and am not sure what's different about how the menu is being used there. If the SCLogin module has to be in that menu like that, I'd recommend contacting the template provider to determine if they have a suggestion on how to make things work.

I hope that helps explain the problem. Of course, feel free to move the menu to different positions to verify for yourself. One thing I did try was moving the SCLogin to the search-header (I think that was position name) and the module did work in the top header area. With some styling, you could make it look good in that top position.. but it won't collapse like the other menu items. It's an option though.

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