Topic-icon contest steps

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10 years 7 months ago #40647 by verzevoul
contest steps was created by verzevoul
I m trying to create a contest on my website and I can t understand the steps. So please read what I ve done until now and what I want to acomplish,
1. I have bought a valid ssl, and I created an application in my fb page. When I click this application I can see my website in it.
2. I installed a quiz component and created my quiz in my website. I know the quiz url so I can load it in my application as an iframe,

1, How can I show in my iframe a jpg or an html page with an introduction that will redirect to the quiz after the like button on fb.
2. How can I be sure that a fb user will not run the quiz for a second time

Thank you!
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #40658 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic contest steps

1, How can I show in my iframe a jpg or an html page with an introduction that will redirect to the quiz after the like button on fb.

In the Page Tab/Canvas configuration area of JFBConnect, you can set a "Reveal Page Id". That is the ID of a Joomla article that you want loaded into your Page Tab area whenever a user is viewing your page that hasn't yet Like'd it. So, to setup the Like-gate, you just need to create the article telling the user why to Like your page (your quiz) and then add that ID to the configuration area.

After that, the Like-gate article will show. After a user clicks Like, they will be redirected to your quiz.

2. How can I be sure that a fb user will not run the quiz for a second time

That would be up to your quiz software. JFBConnect doesn't have a method to create quizzes or validate who has (or hasn't) taken one.

I hope that helps get you started!
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10 years 7 months ago #40663 by verzevoul
Replied by verzevoul on topic contest steps
Its surely did help me!
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #40685 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic contest steps
Glad to hear it put you on the right track. Should you need anything else or when you get it working, just let us know. We'd love to hear any feedback you may have on the process or suggestions for improvements in the future.

Thanks, and good luck,
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10 years 7 months ago #40689 by verzevoul
Replied by verzevoul on topic contest steps
Everything ok. I got it working.
The only problem I faced is with the request I created. I used it with {JFBCRequest request_id=1 link_text=Invite Friends} and I send some invitation.
Everyone opened a blank page in facebook and not my application,
If you see my application is working fine. But If I invite you I get a blank page.
I just checked the Redirect From Canvas option to see other feedback.
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #40691 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic contest steps
Fantastic news! The white page is actually a bug in our current release. Under specific circumstances, JFBConnect can have a PHP error when a notification is received. If you'd prefer to leave user's in your Canvas area (instead of using the 'breakout' feature), just let me know. I can gladly provide the line of code to fix. The change will also be in our next release, so you won't have to worry about it going forward.

As always, should you need anything else or have any suggestions or feedback, just let me know.

Finally, if you haven't already, please consider leaving a rating and review for JFBConnect, or our support, on the Joomla Extension Directory. It certainly isn't required, but is very appreciated:

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10 years 7 months ago #40703 by verzevoul
Replied by verzevoul on topic contest steps
Yes I need to change the code, because invitation still pending and maybe they ll open it in the next days.
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10 years 7 months ago - 10 years 7 months ago #40705 by verzevoul
Replied by verzevoul on topic contest steps
Can you please send me the changes ? I remarked that in my facebook appliication section in the left side the app webintel shprtcut is blank

but from my page webintel

my app is working fine.
Is this relative to the bug?

Any recommendation would be appriciated.
Last edit: 10 years 7 months ago by verzevoul.
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Support Specialist
10 years 7 months ago #40709 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic contest steps
Sorry for the delayed response. The issue you mention above could be from the same error. The best way to know is to simply implement it and test.

To make the change, please edit the /components/com_jfbconnect/models/notification.php . Around line 90, you should see:
->where($this->_db->qn('fb_request_id') . "=" . implode("' OR fb_request_id = '", $this->_fbRequestIds));
Please update that to:
->where($this->_db->qn('fb_request_id') . "='" . implode("' OR fb_request_id = '", $this->_fbRequestIds) . "'");
There's a few minor changes in there:
* A single quote ' after both equals signs
* A closing parenthesis, period, double-quote, single-quote, double quote at the end: ) . "'"

The best is to simply copy the line above into your file, but if you can't, hopefully the instructions call out the differences.

Let me know how that goes, and best of luck!
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10 years 7 months ago - 10 years 7 months ago #40713 by verzevoul
Replied by verzevoul on topic contest steps
Its ok. It was an error on my fb app page.
Can I ask you something now. What if I have 2 or 3 applications?
Last edit: 10 years 7 months ago by verzevoul.
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